Competitive Progress Differentiation


I am currently a bronze 4 player, nbd, I am new to the game.

I have been playing with some folks who are also in bronze, maybe same tier or 1-2 above me, or even in silver, and they are receiving 20-30% for wins, whereas I am only getting 3-6%. I have played really well and getting 3% for a win over a narrow series of bronze players or 5% for winning a wide queue bronze-silver game, seems real like I am wasting my time playing this game’s competitive mode.

Is this a bug or is this because I have no lengthy user data as a new player to indicate otherwise.

We’ve been queuing in bronze narrow the last hour as a duo, winning, my partner gets 20+ % and I get 3-6%


My gamertag is Ibeatemokids#1662