No one has yet shown how “Matchmaker attempting to create fair 50/50 matches actually prevents players from being accurately placed either higher or lower”
Please explain how an average winrate of 50% would allow anyone to change ranks significantly without the completely random and magical “you are playing better then others” sr bonuses that are, in my opinion, entirely RNG and based on your team’s ability to support and enable you in whatever role you’re in? We have seen this before with the “boosted mercy” that blizzard admitted was gaining SR bonuses faster than other heros.
We know the metric behind bonus SR is completely skewed based on the difficulty and expected “jobs” of the hero itself, compared to other people who play them. If a character’s role is somewhat one dimensional, (mcree and genji does damage and sometimes stuns people-) performing at the same level everyone else in your SR range is isn’t entirely all that difficult, but performing ABOVE everyone else requires good team play.
If you’re playing a zen that is getting protected from being dove, your stats are going to look far better than one who is getting dove and forcing a reset every team fight.
What about when the enemy team has a leaver, or two? Your stats are going to look awful and your SR gain will be lowered. This may adjust your MMR, but we don’t have any evidence or hard data on that.
What about when YOU have a leaver? If you’re playing a hero that is dependant on LastHits, or K/D for bonus SR, EVEN IF YOU WIN THE MATCH, you’re boned for that bonus SR and escaping the innaproprate rank.
Plus again, the matchmaker matches based on MMR, not SR. So that means that if the game can find someone as good as you are at the rank you’re at, you’re going to face off against that person in comp. This is a problem because it gives good players -nobody to beat- and they will be playing at a higher level in a lower rank then people with lower MMR in a higher rank.
This is unintuitive and weird. I understand it was designed to prevent “smurfing” and make sure the game is fair to everyone: but the better way to prevent smurfing is to give smurfs a rank appropriate to their mmr after seasonal placements and swing the banhammer harder on people who are intentionally deranking.
People who are legitimately attempting to leave the inappropriate rank are lumped with and against smurfs, especially when grouped, and are forced to play a completely different game then someone “legitimately” in silver. I should know, as someone who’s ranked through literally every rank on two seperate accounts, the games overwatch gave me on my alt at first were an absolute joke.
I ran roadhog and by the time I Was ready for placements everyone I met in QP was high platnum and above or a smurf too.