Competitive % Gain


I recently started playing OW2 on PC instead of console, and I started playing comp pretty soon after switching. I immediately was predicted Bronze 5 on my main role, support. I did well on placements and was placed Bronze 3. I then continued to keep playing and I realised I was only getting about 10% a win, which I thought was really low. I know that playing in a wide match gets you less %, which explains why I was sometimes getting 4-8% when playing with my friends and winning.

I played a few matches of open queue just now and I was predicted Bronze 5 again and I feel like something’s wrong. In regular competitive queue I’ve been going on massive win streaks of like 6 or 7, and I believe I have an above 70% winrate, so how can I still only be earning 4-10% per win?

Any help explaining why this is happening would be really helpful. Thank you!

(Just going to add real quick that I was plat almost dia at one point on console, and I know your PC rank will be different but it’s definitely not this different. I should not be in Bronze and it should not take 30 games in a row of winning to win, because of the such low % I’m gaining each win.)

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once u dropped to bronze, its hard to get out. each win is about 1-10%

once u move out of bronze, you will get 10-25 % per win.

Am say this don’t give up keep climbing and you get out eventually I use to be Bronze 5 back in the day and my profile is open if you want to look at that but am in sliver 2 now it’s hard to climb to gold 5
Probably check my in game profile not the website one but that up to you

i got to silver just now and i’m still only gaining 6-8% :confused:

u are still at the bottom, once u hit sliver 3/2 , you should get more %