Competitive Drive Nameplate Missing?

During this recent Competitive Drive I was excited to grind, earning the nameplate and competitive points. However today, the day after the drive, I logged on to grind some comp rank levels. I had my level 1 nameplate earned from the drive and a new weapon variant bought with the competitive points earned as well. I played two games of comp, and won them both; than logged out to deal with irl matters. When I logged back in though about an hour later, I no longer had my level 1 nameplate earned from the drive. Is this a bug? were the nameplates temporary? I’m am very confused and wondering what happened. I have also come across a few other players claiming the same issue in game. All I want to know is if this is a bug, if it is how to fix it and get my nameplate back, or if you can lose the nameplate someway and if so how did it happen.


Most definite bug…I am missing mine and a few of my friends are too. Super unfortunate.


so im not the only one missing my tag hope they fix it


Me too. I worked hard to get it and in the end it disappeared. I hope it comes back soon. :frowning:

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me too. so saad, hope that it comes back soon


I had mine earlier today. The second level signature. Finished a match and it was gone. :frowning: sad times

mine too… i hope they fix it

They are working on it, I want mine back too

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I am missing mine as well. I had the secondary nameplate.

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Im also missing mine
I almost got the three but only got two and when I got in today it was gone:(

I can relate to this -DePleb #1122

I logged into my account to see mine missing as well…I’m so sad my grind was for nothing :disappointed:

Also missing my tier 2 nameplate as of logging in today. I hope this is fixed asap and affected players are compensated as everyone worked really hard to get their drives !

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Has this been fixed yet? I’m missing mine as well :frowning:

Yeah same all the hard work for nothing :frowning: