in may 16, a new game mode was released, and I eagerly participated in it. After completing my placement matches, I was placed in Platinum 3, which I found reasonable considering my performance in those initial matches. However, what troubles me is that despite winning 40 out of the 41 subsequent games I played, my rank remains unchanged.
To provide some context, I am a Grandmaster player in the healer role, damage role, and open queue. Additionally, I am currently ranked as the top 133 player in the Mystery Heroes mode in the EU region. Furthermore, I have achieved the rank of Master 3 in the tank role. Given my consistent success and skill level across multiple roles, it seems highly unusual for my rank to remain stagnant despite such a significant winning streak.
I kindly request your assistance in investigating this matter further. It is essential for me to understand whether there is an issue with the ranking system or if there is any other factor affecting my progression. I have always been an avid supporter of Overwatch and greatly value the competitive experience it offers, but this particular situation has left me feeling confused and concerned.
I would appreciate any information or insights you can provide regarding my situation. If there is any additional information or data you require to investigate this matter thoroughly, please let me know, and I will gladly provide it.
Thank you for your attention and prompt assistance in resolving this issue. I look forward to hearing from you soon and eagerly anticipate a resolution that ensures a fair and accurate representation of my progress within the game.