Comparison of Brig

Is there somewhere I can see Brig’s nerfs and/or buffs somewhere in comparison to her initial release to live and now? I just wanna know how her abilities inspire etc work right now, and do the armor from Rally last for how long, because in the patch notes they have nerfed her, then buffed a little, it’s hard to understand

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My old thread :slight_smile:

Although it’s not grouped by patch/date and I had to stop updating it last year

On release:
Shield bash: 5 second CD
Armour from rally - 150
Rally had no time limit on the armour it applied
Shield Health - 600
Inspire - 1 Second CD and applied 100 health
Only had one armour pack on release

The Overwatch wiki shows all her balance changes for reference

this gave me ptsd of brig when she first came out, can’t believe this made past the ptr.

Considering how many people thought she wasn’t that strong on their play tests aside from a few tank and support players…

Even one of the devs stated that he reckons it was their biggest stuff up