The devs have stated that this is how SR calculation works.
It’s just a fact.
The devs have stated that this is how SR calculation works.
It’s just a fact.
Huh… if that were true, no one would be past plat rank.
Look, I get that you are just venting your anger due to a bad string of matches, but your current attitude is more than likely affecting your actual game play. You need a reliable way to calm yourself or you will make horrible mistakes that can cost you team fights/games.
But also you haven’t really answered the question. I am interested to know about variables to compare with other people. Damage blocked by shields? Amount of deaths? Damage to yourself? Amount of people hit by ults? Amount of ults? Time on payload? Is time on payload in %?
Ah, sorry, my mistake. The game will take many variables into account. This includes the gold medal categories (although golds only compare to your teammates so they still mean nothing for SR gain/loss) plus stats like damage blocked, final blows, stuff like that. If you press tab and see the game counting up stats about something, there is a good chance that it is using one of those stats.
pro tip right here comp isnt worth it reaching masters and 4000sr didn’t make me feel anything i recommend playing enough to get your main a gold weapon then exclusively playing quick play more enjoyment that way
So nobody actually knows much about SR system then? I am also interested about impact of post game cards and amount of votes, plus medals themselves. Saying that medals don’t actually matter is not complete truth, if truth at all.
im calmed because i stoped long time before playing this serious… every time ill give this game a other chance its hart not to leave if i see those trolls or how mm works here. i played ow since the first day and it never was a “skill” shoother. if u have just one troll ure fkt. ill played from bronze till diamant. and it was allways the same.
if you tell someone hes not doing good or you bag kindly to change ure instant toxic and youll get reported… what a joke. its the same joke like blizzards copy & paste strings you get in ever ticket.
i was thinking this game dies slowly but it was pretty fast rip like jeffs ridiculous corea league.
I do know for a fact that cards mean nothing, they just give you an XP boost if you get Epic.
Well, Golds themselves don’t matter because it’s comparing your stats to your teammates, which isn’t the metric that the game uses to determine SR gain/loss. The stats that the golds are attached to matter, but the actual medals themselves don’t.
it depends on your role though of course the dps will have more than any other its their role
Yes, it shows certain bias. Do you have full description of SR given by Blizzard? I certainly hope they told us about all variables impacting SR.
They didn’t say everything, they essentially just said “stats”
We know certain things though. There was an issue back in the mass rez days where people would do useless 4 man rezzes to pad their SR gains. It was such an issue that a patch had to fix it. It’s hard to know for sure exactly what stats are being used, although the one I mentioned above are a really safe bet.
a bet is never save… its all about wining and losing and how ure personal sr is compered to the team sr… thats all. blizzard never was a friend of work, so they keep it easy as possible.
if im wrong just proff it if you can.
I’m sure new system has just as much ways to abuse. One tricking also looks like rewarded thing, at least in theory. Maybe that’s why many people pick DPS and sometimes it comes to 5 DPS and 1 healer.
you mean 6 dps and the one got reported for kindly asking to change? great game
We know FOR A FACT that it compares stats. There has been a dev statement confirming that.
yeah i learned long ago if you main dps dont solo que
When they have 5 DPS I pick roadhog for self sustain.
I ain’t saying that it’s a perfect system. That’s why it gets dumped once you reach diamond. The only reason performance based SR still exists in lower tiers is because otherwise smurfing would be very easy.
Skill level can change. So the answer is… all of them. Just not at the same time
just say it like it is… whitout a team you dont have to play comp… even if you join team chat and the first thing you hear is a 9yo child im done whit this game… blizzard dont want toxic ppl? kick the kids! but hey wait maybe they buy loot boxes whit momys credit card