Comp ranking Gold v GM

I just had a high Gold game with 5 GM players on the opposing team… how the f is this fair?

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lmfao welcome to failwatch, a game that is so beyond bad in every way and still manages to get worse with each “update”

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I had the same thing happen. Don’t worry you were expected to lose so instead of losing 23% rank you will only lose 22%! fair trade and it only costed you 20 minutes of your day + your que time to find that fun match.

don’t worry, your next game can be super fun where you get matched against bots/bronze/deranking team so you can spend 20 minutes winning a game for free where you are expected to win, and maybe even blizz will put some innocent bystander on that team too because he happened to be on a win streak and needed to be stomped. But since you are expected to win that match you will only get 5% rank up sowwy :frowning:


Do you have a screenshot of that pls?

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Play the game yourself and you will know what he is talking about.

I do thx, I will wait for the screenshot instead of talking to someone who thinks forced 50% winrate is true. ^^

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