Comp Matchmaking is a Joke

Honestly, I don’t know where to start. I ranked up from Gold 2 to Gold 1. Now there’s not much difference there. When I was Gold 2 I was winning about 60% of games. The games felt balanced (ish it’s Overwatch)… until I hit Gold 1, that’s when everything hit the fan. I’ve been constantly loosing only winning about 25% of games, barely getting anywhere.

So, I though I might have a civil conversation with the next lobbies I get and ask them, “what’s everyone’s rank? I’m curious how the matchmaking works.” The responses I got were shocking. I’m Gold 1 mind you? I’ve had Diamonds and a Master 4 playing against me. Unranked people, Bronze players, Silvers, every single rank you can think of except Top 500 (obvs) and Grandmaster.

Now, if the games are meant to be played with people around your rank/skill so the game can compare you to other players in your rank, how is it fair for the ranking to rely on your individual stats if you’re on a team with Bronzes and Silvers against Diamonds and Masters?

Tbh, I think it’s a worst matchmaking system than Overwatch 1. Take me back holy. This is honestly a joke at this point and Blizzard need to bring back the feature where it’s visible to see others rank (which you were against people within 300 sr as you! That was fair!) I’m pissed because in Overwatch 1 I was Platinum until Ow 2 brought you back down 2 to whole ranks, which I got put to Silver.

I honestly can’t with these Matchmakings anymore and honestly they will never fix it. I’m gonna give up on Competitive after I finally see my new rank to see how it destroyed it with all these game losses. I miss Overwatch 1.


Don’t panic, they will answer that the MM will be fixed next week, and it’s been 3 seasons that every week the MM must be fixed next week.


Yeah, let’s be real, they ain’t ever gonna fix it. So I just won’t play comp anymore

Yes, that’s sort of my experience as well. It sometimes feels like the match-maker hard caps you, usually sometime after you hit a new max rank. While I of course can’t know what the match-maker does, or doesn’t do, the “difficulty” of the matches does feel very artificial at times.

You where doing perfectly fine one rank lower and you suddenly rank up to a new max and start to get really strange/weird matches. Matches that doesn’t feel “hard” or “difficult” for the right reason.


I get the exact same. My cap is diamond. I’ve bounced from gold to diamond several times already this season. What I don’t understand is it should be a gradual difficulty curve. But it’s not. I go from matches where I feel like I can easily match or exceed my peers, to matches where I’m completely outclassed.

As an example the last time I hit diamond 5 the next match I was out with players who wrote in chat “new map”… for circuit royal. They’d never played the map before! Upon checking they’d not played the game since season 1, had around 40 hours total play time and were unranked for season 3. Im a support main since 2017 with over 3k hours. How is any universe would this result in a fair match for anybody? It doesn’t. We lost. I can only assume it’s deliberate for whatever reason I don’t know, probably some numbers boffin somewhere has told them that if we hit our season high and then go on a loss streak we’ll keep playing until we get it back. Which I expect is true. But isn’t “competitive” in any sense of the word.


If it’s any consolation there is another group of people who say that this season is awesome and they consistently climb to new heights.

Unfortunately I’m not part of that group and this season for me is just awful. 150 horrible unbalanced matches so far…

The only way to rank up in the current system is mostly through luck. You have to belong in the tier above you AND you need some luck. If you are over-performing, it will put you in a loser’s Q and you have to win one of these games to be put back in winner’s Q. How you win is usually something like someone on your team has been practicing widow for the past 10 matches then decides to play their main on your team, the enemy player decides to practice a new hero on their team, someone DCs, team comps work in your favor, someone on the enemy team has an off-game, etc.

Everytime you win an “unwinnable” game you are usually sent on an EZ win streak and you rank up. You can also rank down multiple times due to bad luck and be stuck like 2 tiers below where you should be. This can result in 100s of games to get to your “true rank.”

I’m higher ranked now than any previous season and for the most part I don’t got that much to complain about in terms of matchmaking, other than that the system is weird in general and it’s inner workings completely obscured. Although it does seem like matches are made from a very wide pool of skill and rank, and from time to time I do get a sense that the ‘difficulty’ of certain matches seem very artificial. These matches usually show up in clusters as well. I don’t have any problem with losing matches and were hard stuck for a long time in OW1, but certain match-ups does seem very weird at times.

I can’t get it out of my head that individual performance does affect future matchmaking even though I know it is officially stated that it doesn’t.

I’m pretty sure that is the case since I can stay at my rank having negative winrate.
Also there are many people complaining that they rank down with positive winrate

currently I have some teams unbalance who is : premade of 4 + 1 soloQ versus premade of 2 + 3 soloQ.

I don’t bother to tell what was the result.

Put premade of 4 versus premade of 4 and premade of 2 versus premade of 2, not premade of 4 versus premade of 2, it’s not my problem if they have to wait 20mn for a match, they choose to play TeamQ, not me.

I play soloQ, I want to fight against soloQ. SoloQ only. Not TeamQ.

And I know it’s a premade of 4 and not 2 premades of 2, because I had to fight them multiple times, and they was the same names each time.

The matchmaker is more and more worst. If it’s a question of low waiting queue time, and the answer was this unbalanced teams, they choose TeamQ, they choose long waiting queue time, it’s time to stop to put the problem on players who don’t bother of TeamQ by making them fight TeamQ they don’t want to fight.

TeamQ don’t care if they gameplay sabotage SoloQ matchs ?
I don’t care if they have to wait long queue time.

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Focus on the constants in those matches and youll be fine. And stop staggering. (Guarantee you, and your team are constantly staggering)

This. Comp should be a gradual difficulty curve, which is why it’s so absurd when you reach a new tier and suddenly go on a loss streak and are getting demolished at an SR that was simple to win at just 5 matches ago.

I’m convinced they have an algorithm that will push you towards a season or career high, only to give you losses until you’re well below that. Probably in the hope that you play more. You got there once you can get there again. Exactly the same reason they did the fake deranks at the start of every season.

The entire ladder is a scam designed to boost player engagement, that’s it. I’ve bounced between diamond and gold three times already this season. Easy games on the way up, impossible games on the way down. Like clockwork. Any competitive integrity the game once had is long gone now.

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Yeah just came came off a 10 game lose streak…after winning around two divisions worth of ranking.

Dopamine sucking experience.

I’ve done some poking at the matchmaking and ranked-system both during the previous season and during the last few days and I’m even more certain now that stats/metrics from previous games affects the matchmaking of new games.

I’ve had a suspicion that stats, and especially the amount of deaths, during a comp match has an effect on future matchmaking and after sandbagging my stats on purpose during the last few days I’m even more certain of this now. I completely understand why players think that there is a “losers queue”.

Yup, it seems way to artificial.

It’s funny and pathetic too how Ranked Competitive is supposed to be the big part of the game where you’re really seeing your skills, the real competition, where you see how high you can rank against your peers.
And it’s just a joke. It’s just as random and bad as arcade most of the time.

Blizzard is trying to go the E-Sports route with it and CoD-ifying it at the same time, and it obviously won’t work.