Comp match quality is horrible

Plat 5-1 rank. Qued as DPS.

1st game - Our tank was 5/5 after 2 rounds. (probably throwing/inting). Loss.
2nd game - Played against a 3 stack where someone was more than likely playing on friend account either boosting or just playing friends. Was obvisously not in plat. Loss.
3rd game - Tank just rage quits after second round. Claimed wasn’t getting healed. Loss.
4th game - Moira only dps all game. And we had a lucio who didnt read the patch updates. Loss.
5th game - Tank couldn’t counter and the dps just rolled us. We had a zen who just kept feeding into team fights. It was basically 4v5. Loss.

This is a small sample size but the frequency of horrid matches are mostly like this in my game play where for every 5 games 1 game is probably fun. The amount of players who immediatley give up because they cannot play the hero THEY want to play and are forced to counter swap makes this game an aweful experience. Or they asked to swap in game. Might as well just leave chat because they will just start fighting over voice chat. Why play comp if you refuse to play as a team. The disparity between willing players and non willing players is so noticeble. Wow has this season sucked for me.