Comp Is Dead just let it Die

Reason me to say this is cause the New Hero Is Broken Blizzard Activision u dip sticks. You’ll Did Great when u just put the NEW HERO in Arcade then NEFFED them to be Balanced just LIKE EVERY other HERO. Season 10 for COMP is GARBAGE through and through. Just Nerf this NEW HERO like You did to Every Other Hero u released. But GG you Had a Dip stick to say " Hey this hero is Balance" GG the Hero isn’t. Like holy crap man BAD decision making like you did too the store by taking away the Loot Box’s or earnable Loot box’s. But Again GG Kill The Comp. Don’t listen to a person who Played your Game Since Overwatch Beta GG. Lets bring out a None-Balanced Hero to help kill off Comp just like Narrow And Wide Group makin. Just Leave it just like you did in season 1-9 or even during the Great Overwatch 1 day’s. But whatever this is just gonna get laughed at just like Comp and The Skin Store.