Comp crossplay?

I find it weird that when I had crossplay enabled I was getting comp matches left and right but as soon as I turned it off for some reason I’m sitting here for 10m, if crossplay was really turned off in comp then there would be no difference and I should still be getting matches quickly yes? So I think blizzards FAQ is lying about crossplay on comp just saying

Also I’ve noticed that when I look at social some do have the PC symbol and not the PS4 so hmmm, turned back on crossplay and miracle happened, I got a match…kinda fishy


Battlenet-enabled players are probably separate from console-only account players.


Do u play on PS4? Crossplay is now in comp too, since the new season started. Only between the 3 consoles tho.

It’s possible to find matches without crossplay tho, too. But I wouldn’t reccomend that. I’m a 3800 player and legit got 2100 players in my matches :smiley: Due to the lack of players without crossplay matchmaking is even more a mess than before.

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In comp play it was suppose to be disabled though is what I’m saying

The only thing disabled for ranked is PC cross play.

The consoles can still mix.

Because not enough people have crossplay turned off, so it’s gunna take forever to find a game. Why would they turn it off? Having xbox and playstation players play together only increases the playerbase.

Yeah people on your friends list may be playing on PC, but they’re not getting into your comp games.

You decreased your possible player pool for matchmaking by who knows how much. It is obvious your queue times are going to increase.