Comp and the game are ruined. Community in mutual agreement

Okay, this is getting ridiculous…

I’ve been playing this game since Season 1. I love this game, but I am on the verge of quitting.

The New Hero is ridiculous and takes ALL the fun out of the game, especially from main tanks and honestly, most heroes.

I’ve never had to create a post before and this is my first time, that’s how pissed off I am. FOR EXAMPLE. When the great Bastion, Symmetra, Roadhog, and other hero changes happened, the community was divided. Half the community hated the changes (the lower tier) and half loved them.

This time around? Everyone hates this garbage. I’m not sure why the hell Blizzard would keep this hero or not nerf her. Even the best players in the world are thinking about moving on from the game (OWL players twitters for source…

It’s not fun, and the whole community can agree. For the first time, we are all mutual. So please, fix this, comp is the worst it’s ever been and Fortnite is only getting more popular.


Tracer/Genji/Rein main?


Really starting to think Blizzard doesn’t care about us anymore because people have been complaining for weeks now and nothing has happened…

y’all need to realize a large portion of your community is tank players. This amount of stuns/dmg is not necessary.


Agreement? Uhhhh nope.

  1. I play all tanks

  2. I’ve never seen so many people agreeing that she ruined the game. Maybe there’s a handfull that still like the game but it’s never been this small.


This is the most hilarious day in the history of this board, the end of the world posts have really been out of hand.


Huh, didn’t know you spoke for me. Good to know.


The forums right now lol


Yea nah, I’ve played a good bit of Brigitte and played against her as Hog/Orisa/Rein. She’s fine. You just can’t waltz in like the past few seasons and expect it to be the unstoppable force it was before. Take a step back, wipe shields or get on area of effect damage. Briggi will be zoned out and it’ll be ez pz.

If you play Genji/Tracer/Sombra directly into a brigitte, that’s kind of your own fault.


LMAO, the community is not in mutual agreement. The ones who are complaining are the same group of players who had NOTHING to say about Sombra, Junkrats ridiculousness, Hanzo’s new changes, Genji/Tracer deleting Support roster with little counterplay( increased by addition of Moira) .

It’s pretty obvious who is shilling for changes in this game.


The thing that always fascinates me as that people actually think this game is sturdy enough to be called a competitive game. It isn’t. It’s always been broken and never balanced. I enjoy the game so much more now that I have quit comp. The game isn’t made for it. Blizz/Activision are just pushing it super hard because they saw how much of a cash cow Call Of Duty comp was in the late 2000’s.

What do you even get out of competitive (Besides Golden Guns) that you cant get out of QP or Arcade? HELL, Arcade gives you loot boxes! Comp doesn’t.


I wish they had never added competitive it’s just been an endless font of salt and unfun changes.


Bye then.

Tanks shouldn’t be getting that close to her in the first place, and even then, she’s meant to counter dive characters, which people have hated FAR longer than anything else.

Wrong, only a minority of people that don’t know about counterplay or positioning hate her. Not only did Blizzard want to create a counter to the oppressive dive meta, but they’re also not going to nerf her since that would just continue the oppression of dive.

-Tracer and Genji make the game FAR less fun, simply because of their small hitboxes and ridiculous mobility giving them the edge half the time.
-Don’t speak on behalf of others that clearly don’t agree with you. The only people agreeing with you are the guys that not only overreact to the tiniest things, but also hate the idea of supports being allowed to fight back.
-Comp was terrible FAR before Brigitte came in, and she was only JUST ALLOWED THIS SEASON.
-Really? You’re somehow assuming that Fortnite is popular now? If people are anything like me, they’re sick and tired of hearing about Fortnite. It’s barely popular free-for-all that’s been done to death by just about everything else at this point, it’s an extreme niche that isn’t even the point of Fortnite. Once someone makes up another battle royale, everyone will forget everything about Fortnite and move on to that. It’s just how battle royales work.


Hyperbolic knee-jerk walks into a room.


Keep looking around and you will see the community is much more divided than you think. At the very least, there’s plenty of people out there who are ambivalent about all of this, and mostly just enjoy the change of pace.

Honestly, Brigitte brings in a lot of fun and I think it’s unfortunate most people are having that spoiled because of bad choices they make in the game. Brigitte actively encourages radically different comps than we’re used to seeing, both on her own team and what she pressures the enemy to respond with. It’s a refreshing breath of air. That, and she’s fun to play as, too.

Brigitte is hardly the most broken thing this game has dealt with, but it does seem to be proving to be one of the most difficult additions for people to adapt to. I think this is largely because previous metas never truly punished aggressive, close-ranged play, and tanks were expected to do most of the engaging. Brigitte really flips things on its head and requires a different flavor of strategy to beat, and a lot of players, especially ones who have focused a lot on the dive meta, are having trouble coming to terms with that.


Yeah, the whole thing of Competitive is silly. Depending on where you fall in comp, you get a shiny badge. And people lose their minds if they can’t get the next shiny badge. I use to get so upset at games because I couldn’t get into diamond. Now I could care less. QP and Arcade is enough for me.


People complained about mass res… Blizzard reworked Mercy
People complained about dive… Blizzard makes Brigitte to counter dive
People complained about ‘OP’ Sombra… Blizzard ‘fixed’ her

Blizzard listens but this community complains no matter what they do…


I am a Rein main and don’t give a [Edited by Blizzard] about Brig.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.


QP with role queue would be nice, though.
But yeah I play games to have fun, not suffer through it (I have work for that).

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Not really. And I main tanks when I’m playing seriously.

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