Community Update - 2022 in-game events (retail)

These events are literally just the old ones without their cosmetics, so you get your wish


Why is it popular? I don’t see it very often

please just do multiple chromas like league of legends i beg you,
why are they all white ???


I tought that by remixing popular skins they would actually combine or fusion some popular skins elements into something super cool, not just recolor them to white and charge 3k coins


So we are losing 15 new legendries so we can get 15 re-colours of old skins? What a joke. No wonder that they’re planning on releasing “more new skins than any year prior”, easiest thing ever if all they’re doing is re-colouring


What wish? We had past events also in past anniverssary events, thats not new.

But now, we’re loosing 3 events, which means one anniversary to farm/spend our credits over 3 weeks, instead of 3 events (plus these events like they said are the most liked one, woohoo)

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Because of the bright red blob in the middle of his otherwise black body. It naturally draws the eye and the aim towards it, so less headshots. While I still played comp it was the go to rein skin. In QP no one cares, of course.


Heroes of the Storm released color variations for every skin so this is not impressive by Blizzard’s own standart

Noire widow? HELL NAH. It’s a reward for preordering Overwatch.

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not to sound disrespectful or anything but it isn’t blizzards fault that you missed out on it

what are you even saying?? what does that have to do with a skin

i understand being upset bc yall don’t have it but why yall reaching


At least, I hope this legendary skins cost 1000g. I dont want grind many hours for simply recolors :rage:.


And with this we are left without the Mercy LifeGuard, the new Halloween skin (her skin will be 6 years old now) and without the 2021 Christmas art…

Also applicable to heroes who lack skins in events, until OW2 we forgot about new skins.


I’m not sure what you’re saying, it’s not like you’ll get to spend those credits if there aren’t any new cosmetics in the individual events, it just seems more logical to round all of them up earlier like they’re doing(assuming they were gonna cancel the new ones without the Remix)

Bro that’s what I thought, too. Like, for example, Dragoon Mercy. Recolor her Red & Black, give her actual skin texture some kind of lava theme or something, or color her like Summoner Symmetra. Or take the exact same skin, but “upgrade” very specific parts. Maybe swap the weapons, give it a new hairstyle, that sort of thing.

But no. They just decided that dark colored skins needed to go light mode on everyone. And I think we can all agree that most people prefer using dark mode, regardless of context.


maybe its just April fools joke and this sunday theyll announce a regular Archives event with new cosmetics, chill


Not everyone has every comsetics in the game, I mean whatever you think, it’s just a straight loss for all, thats the resume…

They could have added in the HotS skins & their recolors to OW and I guarantee people would be happier than what we’ve been given.


But you can bet they will sell you a brand new super cool OWL skin on may, not a recolor

I agree,Twitter would explode if they added D.Va the Destroyer.

That’s a shame. Those cards are very fun…