Legal reasons/teamwork reasons or just no desire?
Will these be available the whole time, or are they being put on a dumb rotation like the brawls?
I really hope that all of the Weekly Event Skins from the past will be available somehow, at least. (Hero Gallery, Loot Boxes, Arcade Mode Rewards, etc) Because I would really like to unlock Symmetra’s Holi Skin in the Switch Version which I’m currently playing since my PC died.
I keep seeing this, but I don’t think this has been officially announced. Is this correct?
Blue ranger genji when?
It’s basically in the original post.
For each Anniversary remix, three popular mini-event skins will make a limited time return and can obtained by completing their specific challenges. Each challenge will only last a week, so If you missed your chance the first time around, now’s the best chance to earn these limited-edition event skins.
I just hope two of the popular ones are baset and nano, if not they will likely become available in a later remix.
… and then changing colors on existing skins was the new content.
Wow i can’t believe they took out the only content the game has now which is skins
dude omg its going to be okay
Can you guys please just have all the modes available at the same time until OW2 is released. Pretty please. I know tons of people would literally appreciate that so much.
All sounds great to me, I only have 1 question, is illidan genji gonna come back? I’m not too sure due to it being a blizzcon skin, but it’s literally the only genji skin I dont have so I was wondering.
I took that to mean the weekly event skins tied to previous events and no longer obtainable. I mean the purple skins.
I could see how people could interpret it as the other skins… such as Bastet and such, but I really hope not!
I have worked my butt off to collect all the skins as they have come out… x 4 as I have collected on every platform. Had to sacrifice a bunch of time to do so and work my schedule around the events… it’s not really cool for them to bring them back without even giving people that already have them another skin of equal value.
So basically the Blizztard devs are flipping us Overwatch players the middle finger yet again.
It specifically says mini events which are the small events we’ve had in-between the larger ones (lunar, anniversary, summer, winter etc.) It would be a weirdly deceitful description if they meant the weekly challenges which are tied to the large events.
Now that you mentioned it though, I hope they give people a chance to get all the weekly challenge skins as well! (I have all those myself).
I have all event/special skins. Literally all of them; on all platforms, except the ones that were unobtainable on Switch as the game had not come out yet.
Please give people like me a different skin to work towards.
Will we see the return of weekly event skins from seasonal events that haven’t made return yet in boxes or as unlockable during open vault Anniversary in its normal iteration? These are one of the few things I don’t have every single one of, and was counting on them coming into the Anni event, or at the very least loot boxes the following year, but to no avail.
Example: Summer Games 2019 had American Reaper, Zhongguo Mei and Bundesadler Rein but we’ve never seen them again since. On top of the other very limited time epics for each week of events since 2019. It seems like the only weeklies coming back are skins like those that came with comic/short story drops and had 3-4 weeks of their own devoted as opposed to the epics that only ever had 1 week?? Ex. Bastet Ana, Combat Medic Bap.
Will all of those FOMO weekly event skins make a comeback or some of them?
OW2 and OW1 are the same thing. Literally everything they are adding will transfer to OW2.
BEGINS? to take the forefront? lol. What do you think they have been doing for 3 years? (no really, I’m asking, WHAT have they been doing for 3 years?)
honestly… based
stay focused on OW2 and avoiding too much work for the team!