Community skins

This topic has been talked about before but I would like to bring it back to the surface and I would like to hear the OW community’s feedback. I feel this can be a way for Blizzards to interact with their community and it’s through skins. OW fans can design a skin for a character and it has a chance to even appear in the game. Also to avoid the flooding skins problem we should make it a “mini-event” on OW’s Anniversary so once a year. It would also feel like we were a part of this game. For the price, I would like it to be at most 500 Overwatch Coins (yellow currency) or 1000 and it’s also price friendly to the OW community so Blizzard can make some profit off of this. (maybe also make it available for credits also) If you agree with this please interact with this post so Blizzard can take notice.