Color Blind GUI

Now, I’m not color blind so I can’t speak for those who are. However, with this latest patch a lot of the GUI is the same color as others, which is problematic. My group members are the same color as the rest of the team, and some objective or health situations are overall confusing. I didn’t write anything down so it’s hard to say but in general there’s just a lot of confusing situations where I can’t tell what’s supposed to be what.

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I noticed this myself and have been collecting screenshots. There’s loads of UI bugs with colourblind stuff on.

  • The party one you mentioned is one. I have neon blue on, my group also shows as neon blue instead of the default green.

  • Enemy torb turret gets a hp bar the same colour as my team.

  • Team health bars are no longer white with the selected colour outline. They are entirely the colour which is a bit jarring. Also makes shields harder to see if you pick neon blue.

  • Enemy sym ult changes to the colour you picked with only the small lines inbetween being enemy coloured.

  • Sleep, Hacked, Stunned text when applied to you is transparent with only an outline.

  • Objective colour icon keeps changing, sometimes going the opposite colour and not being consistent for each side.

  • Kill feed has large coloured square next to something if a person kills themselves or destroys a turret.

  • Crosshair has a weird line underneath it sometimes.

  • Colourblind stuff only half applies in arcade modes, mostly DM. Some UI elements will be the chosen colour, some will be default.

I will post my screenshots later on was just listing some off the top of my head.

For those of us with visibility issues we need color of group to either be set independently or match the allied colors!

Imagine setting enemies for a different then red, and having it look exactly the same to you as your group members.

I get that but it’s not there at all anymore. Where as it was pre recent patch. Only way to solve it is to go back to default colours.


I believe it was an intentional change, and it was requested by a fair number of people.

Overall, being able to tell who is allied, and who is enemy, without readily knowing who is in your group is far more necessary.

I never really understood the importance of a separate distinction for group members, what value does it provide?

If you’re in discord with a friend or friends and you call out stuff where you are etc. Makes finding your friend’s easier if you duo at least. But why remove the option? Just add it as a thing so people can choose to have it or not. More choice is better after all.