Collegiate Spray Missing

Hey, just wanna report that the Collegiate spray seems bugged, I watched both streams so far, and have not gotten it yet after all hours watched. Know many others with the same problem.

Yes, account is linked and I normally have no problem getting the rewards from youtube :frowning:


I have the same problem.

I have watched the full 3 days and have not gotten the spray.

My accounts are connected correctly.

Same here, I have watched all streams and received nothing.

I also do not have the spray unlocked. I’ve watched all 3 broadcasts start to finish (still watching 3rd broadcast now) for over 13 hours of viewership with “Connected” status.

I have not changed my settings since I last earned the D.Va and Soldier: 76 Contenders skins from broadcasts last month.

Same here! No spray.

Same problem. I watched all three streams. Didn’t get the spray.

Same, I’ve seen people use the spray in-game quite recently (ie earlier today) so it seems like they’re slowly being dropped. Hopefully we get it soon :confused:

Same. 20 characters…

same problem here no spray :frowning:

Still no spray today, and yes SOME people get it, but so far, more seems to not get it. :frowning:

Watched all 3 streams, still no spray.

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Watched all 3 streams, Collegiate spray still locked


Same here it’s still locked.


given how long regular rewards are taking to distribute, might be a long while or who knows maybe the update has it

Now it’s been far over 24 hours since the last stream ended, so the “normal” delay period has passed, still no spray, so it’s bugged or delayed beyond the normal amount, which may not be a bug, but still very frustrating :frowning:


Would we still be able to receive the collegiate spray even though the game already updated?

The spray is still locked, although almost three days have passed.

Just gonna add myself to the list, watched most of it, but no spray.

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Same. No Collegiate Spray and i’m still missing the Soujourn League skin. despite getting all the other drops


Adding myself as well. Still missing Sojourn, too.