Clustered "Stopped/Started playing overwatch" messages

A few of my friends on Battlenet trigger the message “[Player] has stopped/started playing Overwatch” 4-8 times within a second.

[Please move this to the bug forum.]

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I also am experiencing the same issue and it is bothering me and my friends!

I have noticed that the issue could be swapping servers! I could be wrong, but I will explain my thoughts.

Although the servers are mixed now and the game sets the match at the lowest ping possible, I have noticed couple of my friends having this issue when they swapped the servers back in the app.

At the time I didn’t know about the new servers system. I closed the game and in application I changed the server couple of times ( US / EU / AS ) to test the ping when playing with my friends.

The next day I went back to the server I usually play at ( Asia server ) and my all of my friends list noticed the same issue! Apparently, whenever I get a game, whenever I finish a game, whenever I go to training or practice range will trigger this issue!! The started/stopped playing overwatch will flash a lot of times in the same second.

I cant play unless I set my status to offline which is really bothering!

I hope you fix this ASAP!