I have a DPS account in high diamond, an account in high plat and an account in mid gold. When I queue in any of these tiers the skill of the general players changes accordingly but the difficulty of any given match doesn’t. I’m positive the matchmaker looks to make ‘close’ matches based on player skill. This is obviously awful for the competitive integrity of the game. It’s time to revert whatever changes have been implemented over the last few months, or just back to ow1 sr based matchmaking
It is called SBMM based on hidden MMR numbers. This has been said 1000 times. Your rank means squat most of the time coz the game will just find equal players for enemy team or a lot worse on your team to compensate for any variations.
It is true the skill generally goes up in the most upper tiers but everything in the middle is condensed soy. Smurfs and alt accounts does not help. Especially since new accounts are running on a separate MMR system.
Why would having games closer to your skill level be worse?
Would you rather get stomped all day? Or the one just doing all the stomping?
Of course the difficulty changes; you are playing against players of higher skill so it takes more of your own skill to have the same impact you would have at a lower rank against lower skilled opponents.
You said yourself the skill of the players changes accordingly, so the conclusion is that SR is broadly working correctly.
What should be next is asking yourself what exactly separates your current Diamond skills from Master skills and work on that to win more matches and gain SR.
because if you are better or worse than the rank youre in you should climb or drop. not be given close matches
Yup thats what sbmm with no pbsr does to a game. I have a screenshot of me rolling in masters and another of me getting rolled in plat…. On the same night
Feels like yer just along for the ride, huh?
It really does feel that way. Almost like what I do doesnt matter anymore. Not saying you cant swing a game in your favor, its just rare
Rank means absolutely nothing and it’s just a front. just had a match in OQ where the range was from Gold 3 to Master 3 and I still lost 19% with the only modifier being “consolation”.
Meanwhile the other day I had one where the Range was the same - Gold 2 to Gold 2 - that one for some unknown reason was considered a WIDE MATCH and I lost 8%.
If developer competency was ever in question, well, here’s evidence that they’re completely unfit for the job.
it should be a fair playing field, no matter ur rank…or just get rid of rank.
Those at top no better than bronze
Exactly. Competitive is not competitive if you can simply buy an account/carry to any rank.
Exactly. This is what blizz can’t comprehend. I wonder how many masters players are stuck in plat because they’re actually playing against other masters players that are stuck in plat. The game is stupid, and it sucks.
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