Climbing out of gold

That or just play like diamond and carry with your mechanics by being like half the team on your own.

Role queue or open queue?

play the game more. ez

carry counter…and pray. XD

plat and down its not about mechanics, its gamesense, positiong, and countering. if you want to learn a hero first learn it in qp…it took 5th time falling into silver to learn that XD. dont let the enemy have a freebie becuase youre too stuborn to swap. take breaks, keep a positive attitude, and be friendly. especially during this um…time. im bipolar…so this advice is more useful to me than most. sometimes take a break and play something else. if theres a time of day when you lose more…dont play during that time…its a sign…a big fat cosmic sign. also solo que. hydration and excercise are your friend.

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Become the type of person who understands how to get out of gold. Collecting tips won’t do it. Overwatch requires study and practicing what you’ve learned. Otherwise you’ll get out of gold by accident and find yourself back there quickly.

I disagree. Insane mechanics alone with almost no game knowledge can carry you to plat or diamond. Look at shroud for example. On the other hand insane positioning and game sense with bronze mechanics and aim probably won’t get you past silver. Game sense and positioning matter more in high ranks because you have better teams to work with. Those skills won’t help you as much individually when every game is chaotic like in low ranks.

Be a troll. More fun and less stress.

If you are legitimately stuck in gold, you should look into getting coaching. I could coach you for free if you want. I mainly play tank so I can help you out with that role. Here is my discord: Jamal#3200.

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Not really sure if I need coaching as a tank, but tysm anyways! It’s a great offer but I think I’ll pass c:

well one things for sure…if blizzard would start treating derankers and seal clubbers the way the treat abusive chat…ie zero tolerance…the game wouldnt be such an RNG mess. 50% chance to win + mmr rick roll performance based sr + some troll from a higher rank…yeah the games basically an auto loss.

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