Climbing out of gold

Any tips for climbing out of gold?

Hit more shots, don’t die, but what do I know? I’m Silver.


Going to bronze to gold after tanking in some weird loosing streak, it took me 271 games at 59% win ratio average to grind the 700SR back up. Since these are simply stats they should be applicable in other ranks so this should give you general idea. I would say shoot for high stats but I think that comes hand in hand with good games for the most part.

Sometimes it helps me when I take moment then remind myself of what I should be doing and that this is comp not quickplay, I feel as if you can kinda go on autopilot playing OW and forget the little things.


Watch videos on positioning for whatever hero you prefer.

Keep track of enemy ults.

Keep track of enemy position.

Keep track of your teams ults.

Coordinate ults in comms.


Work on your aim and reaction time.

Hit more shots, don’t die, but what do I know? I’m Silver.

Following this rule will bring you to GM.

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dont blame teammates and focus on your mistakes and fix them because most hardstuck golds just like to blame their team and never get good at their hero


U could try watching your own vods when u lose a game and u felt like it was winnable. To see which mistakes u made.

play the hero’s that are clearly broken in each rank: ie bronze through plat: sigma, zen, moira, anna, zar, hog, reaper, ashe, genji,doom, mei, hanzo, lucio, rein,dva

Ex: Im stuck in low silver; so i play moira on support, zar on tank, ashe on dps.

games are rigged for 50% chance of a win and handicapped by mmr performance based sr; it doesnt matter where you are. most of your games will be up down up down up down…for literally 50 hours+.


just have fun, the mm is a joke tbh


stop dying for no reason, get faster reaction time and better mechanics, learn the game concepts more and dont blame team

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One dose not simple climb out of gold. You get pulled out with friends that are already in Plat or Dimond.


Why would u ever not want to be bronze? i recently climbed to silver by accident and miss bronze already. And as per the arrangement, i had to uninstall ow client on 1 of my pc’s, having clearly beaten the game.


So getting boosted? Lol


find own mistakes and fix it, works for any rank btw

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Remember at your rank not everyone is great at their role. Your going to really need to focus on yourself. It’s your skill that’ll get you out of gold. Look at replays and see what mistakes you did and how you could’ve done better. Because everyone makes mistakes and we need to learn from them to improve. Also watch vids on tips to improve on your main. And learn at least 2 heroes to master on. Learn to see when you need to swap onto another hero if the other team is just hard countering you.
And finally have fun. Don’t stress yourself off to much for a loss. Like I said watch and learn. Their is no need to stress yourself out so much from a loss. In the end it’s one lose and you just need to play another game to make up for it and climb. You got this I believe in you.

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I think ult usage is very important, watch kill feed, know when the fight is over and when you have the advantage

Are you talking about tank, dps or heals?

DPS all you can do is pray you get good RNG with teammates. Meaning, healers who actually heal vs focusing dps and tanks who aren’t double dive charging in solo non stop (having at least a shield tank at Gold helps) and hope the other team doesn’t have 1 or more smurfs/hackers.


click heads faster than the enemy.

it‘s literally that easy🙈


Win more games than you lose.

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Applys to all ranks but just play better than the other 11 players. Start by looking at your mirror. Enemy dps is farming your useless Ana who just can’t defend herself, kill that dps and then farm their supports instead. Enemy support is unkillable and keeps his/her team alive well then assist your dps help or kill him/her yourself or just block the healing with anti nade.
Take more space than the enemy tank
and your dps will have more possiblies than the enemy ones by default and are more likely to win. Your supports will also not die because enemies are shooting at them from every direction.
The higher you climb the more of those things you will have to do at the same time.