Climbing from Gold Hell (with recorded games)

What up Basso. I remember I challenged you to 1v1 with Ashe, but you said you don’t play Ashe at diamond level so I rescinded my challenge. But I started picking up Tracer again and I feel like I’m playing her at a diamond level now and wanted to challenge you to 1v1 with Tracer, since you said she is one of your mains.

I want to see what you think about my Tracer & any tips you could give me to make that push from plat to diamond. Are you up for it?

Uhhh I guess? What region were you?

Yeah I notice games where they get roadblock me and others switching to deal with whatever is roadblocking us even if it makes a dumb comp work.

71 percent winrate at 2544 sr 2 tricking Ashe/Tracer, Ashe for when our long range fails to focus turret or pharmercy and there is too much highground for tracer, tracer most of the time for self sustain and high damage.

Definitely have good aim/dps skills under your belt and forget 2-2-2 if uou k ow you can pull out a win


GENJIASS and Basso, what is wrong with you guys? :thinking:If you cant help the guy or do not enjoy this topic, please leave it be, we dont need your negativity on the forums, its enough to have players like you in the game… :slightly_smiling_face: :wink:
@Zax, your Mei and McCree are above gold and plat level if you watch it mechanicly, but not sure about the impact you can give to the game in order to win. For example, my Genji, according to my stats, is pretty bad but im carrying games with it and few times that helped me reach diamond, so focus on what you need to improve to get more impact in the games. Sadly, like every seasson showd us that intelligente picks and stuff like peeling, right target priority, good positioning and good sense for engaging/disengaging are wining games more than good individual mechanicall skills and great aim. For example, McCree’s headshoots and some easy picks can carry games but you cant always rely on it plus Cree can get countered pretty fast if he gets dived by multiple sides… Try to focus more on meta and proved counterpicks rather than onetricking something if you really want to climb. I know you are getting more and lose less but sometimes you will lose way more that will deny your extra rewared points. Im similar rank to yours but still managed to escape plat lot of times, lets say my average SR is a bit over 3000, as I counted on all the accounts.

Also, no need to waste time on people who spread negativity here or in games, just play your game, focus on the things that giving you source of fun and try to play under the meta rules in order to secure more victories (Yes, im not the one who should tell you this since im playing few picks lately but you are one who invest time in recording and posting here so i guess you have strong will to push the limits).
Thank you for reading and good luck :wave: :slight_smile:


You high bro? Share that s*it.

We’re not being negative without reason, the Yvel guy is a toxic person who belittles people in gold (his own rank) for being worse than him, calling himself a god for having played FPS titles for super long, yet he can’t climb out of gold (which he blames the matchmaker for)
He’s also just p rude.

I’d give Zax advice, but he’s doing good climbing consistently, I don’t think he needs much help tbh, and what I can give him has already been said.

I think they were commenting that other guy who posted here.

@Basso and @GENJIASS take my deep appologise then, i misunderstood something, sorry.

Yes Zax is making solid progress… Yet im still struggling to get my as* in diamond again, still 90 SR to go…

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Here is another set of games, I am lazy to write more about my games so I just took this from my excel :slight_smile: . I started to play more of Widowmaker, I am still kind of stuck in that stupid range of 2500. I feel like I am doing good, last few games I definitely had better aim. I actualy stopped playing when I made new season high 2553 SR, maybe I will try to push little bit more today.

78 2498 Eichenwalde Widowmaker/McCree 3:2
79 2522 Volskaya Industries McCree 4:3
80 2504 Watchpoint:Gibraltar Widowmaker 2:3
81 2534 Busan McCree 2:1
82 2516 Junkertown McCree 1:2
83 2494 Hollywood McCree/Widowmaker 2:1
84 2472 Nepal McCree 0:2
85 2451 Ilios McCree 1:2
86 2479 Volskaya Industries McCree 2:0
87 2509 Rialto McCree 3:1
88 2486 Oasis McCree 0:2
89 2462 Holywood McCree 0:2
90 2485 Dorado McCree/Widowmaker 2:1
91 2507 Kings row Widowmaker 2:1
92 2529 Hanamura Mcree/Widowmaker/Mei 4:3
93 2553 Temple of Anubis McCree 4:3

Btw In all these games I had game with 5 dps and roadhog as tank, I had 1 leaver and one game where we had 4 tanks :smiley:

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Hey, here is another set of games. Last game was played today with new patch. I was playing reaper but I didnt do that good but I am fast learner. I want to play him more after last change. Or atleast try him is he is worth my time :). I actualy made new season high 2616 SR! :smiley: I would have more but I sadly left one game because my internet went down and I lost 50 SR. That game was lost anyway probably but I could have +25 more :frowning:

Here are my games:

94 2577 Watchpoint:Gibraltar Widowmaker 2:0
95 2604 Busan McCree 2:0
96 2554 Rialto Widowmaker -50
97 2577 Horizon Lunar Colony McCree 3:2
98 2560 Numbani McCree 2:3
99 2589 Junkertown Widowmaker 3:0
100 2615 Kings row Reaper/Widowmaker 5:4

If you want to see more, read more, give me tips or just say anything related, dont forget to comment :slight_smile:

Too bad for dc, you wouldve been close to 2700… Anyway, you are climbing and thats nice.

at every rank and role as I’ve climbed, the most important thing is to figure out who the best players are on my team and support their short-term goals. 2nd most important thing is to make sure players that are going to die for free provide value as a distraction or something.

personal performance and playing well without managing these first two rarely results in wins and I typically would be stuckk 300-400 points lower if I didn’t concern myself with thinking about what my teammates want from me in the match

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i think it is weird you pick heroes of different rolls.
As a main zen i would focus more on all off healers and then about 1 hero of each other role.

For example your first game you got killed many times by a genji (could also have been any other dive hero) , you could have switched to brig and the genji would have a much lesser impact in the game as he had now. Brig is still the best counter, but even a lucio would have been better then sticking on zen.
And forcing like another player playing a different role to your role just because you cant is just bad.
Its like dps players who only play reaper and mei when a pharah is controlling all team fights.

Nice climbing. Don’t worry about the 50SR penalty! As leaver penalties don’t affect your MMR you will get those SR back implicitly via increased SR gains in no time without even having to do anything differently.

On a side note though I feel like I need to watch some of the VODs as I cannot for the life of me understand how you get to play so much dps. I would play McCree every single game if I could but in reality I can’t really do it more than maybe 10% of the time :frowning: I feel like there’s something I need to learn :stuck_out_tongue:

You need an SSD and you need to instalock. Thats how you play dps :]

Haha got that already :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty much this yeah haha :slight_smile: I just play what I think is good in current situation and best for me. For example I pick dps and stick to it. I will switch for others only if they ask me really nicely.

OP account is me btw, its my alt :slight_smile: I said it here before, just so you are not confused :slight_smile: I am just lazy to switch accounts now.

You are also in gold/plat. You are just as bad as your teammates. No ifs and buts. Leavers etc don’t matter. I’m sure you’ll keep climbing as long as you keep improving as a player and stop completely blaming your team.

Hello, I played another 5 games today and I made new season high 2671, its +57 SR.

GAME 101 - One guy toxic against my widow pick, classic “all report widow” bs.
GAME 102 - Another guy toxic against my widow pick even when we were winning, classic “all report widow” bs.
GAME 103 - Nice friendly groop, good game.
GAME 104 - One guy trolling, not exactly sure if throwing but he was trolling hard, everyone muted him.
GAME 105 - One guy switched from support to Mei, walled of me so my ult was useless. Another guy in our team played widow and I dont think he had one kill whole game. It was stomp.

Data here:

101 2593 Watchpoint:Gibraltar Widowmaker 2:3
102 2618 Hollywood Reaper/Widowmaker 3:2
103 2644 Dorado Widowmaker 1:0
104 2671 Hanamura Zarya 4:3
105 2648 Numbani Soldier/McCree 3:0

If you want to see more, read more, give me tips or just say anything related, dont forget to comment :slight_smile:

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Good job. Good luck in next games.