Climbing from Gold Hell (with recorded games)

Hey, I am back again with more games. I am seriously thinking if I should start playing dps. McCree, Mei and Reaper. I definitely would like to try reaper because he will be OP after change maybe so thats opportunity to climb. As every time, you have link to recorded games below and dont forget to comment so I can respond again :slight_smile:

GAME 26 - Eichenwalde - 2322 SR (playing Zenyatta)
Another game with friends from last games. We pushed payload to the end without problem. Enemy lucio and zayra were trying to flank which was kind of lame. We stopped enemy team before they were able to take second point. VICTORY +26 SR.

GAME 27 - Ilios - 2349 SR (playing Zenyatta)
And another game with friends :). My friend was playing roadhog and i must say he had few pretty good hooks. Not much more to tell, we were better and we won. VICTORY +27 SR.

GAME 28 - Ilios - 2375 SR (playing Zenyatta/Widowmaker)
Back to solo Q. This was very long game, because both teams pushed payload to the end with time reserve, everyone in the voice chat but total silence. I even asked why nobody speak and got no response. After enemy team pushed to the end just like us before, one guy started to trash talk healers(me and mercy) for no healing him and saying 0 healing. My blood was boiling at that point. I just said him to go healing then and picked dps(widowmaker). He kept trashtalk us so I defended myself and told him he was very bad. We eventualy won and that guy said ā€œnot enough dmg btwā€. I honestly hate people like this, toxic for no reason, we won omg why he had to be like this. VICTORY +26 SR.

GAME 29 - Gibraltar - 2404 SR (playing Zenyatta)
I was so glad this game. Why? because I had that toxic guy from last game in enemy team. I just wanted to punish him, I told my team to focus him if possible. After we took 3 points I wrote in match chat how bad he is and few others things. Maybe some toxcity on my side, but I think people like this deserve it. We stopped enemy team before they could take point 3 but it wasnt easy. Revenge is so sweetā€¦ VICTORY +29 SR.

GAME 30 - Temple of Anubis - 2404 SR (playing Zenyatta)
Still playing solo Q. I wasnt happy with my team this game. No grouping up, most of the team not listening. We definitely could win this game with better team work and grouping up. Nobody won. DRAW +0 SR.

GAME 31 - Blizzard World - 2382 SR (playing Zenyatta)
Some of my friends are trying to build a team and I occasinaly play with them as sub and this was the case. This was first game with them that evening. We had one random guy playing symetra, new account and I dont think he did a lot honestly. But I cant be sure 100%. Both team pushed payload to the end but we lost in second round. DEFEAT -22 SR.

GAME 32 - KingĀ“s Row - 2357 SR (playing Zenyatta)
Game number 2 with team. We were stuck few meters before second point. Enemy team pushed payload further. DEFEAT -25 SR.

GAME 33 - Hollywood - 2335 SR (playing Zenyatta)
Game number 3 with team. We were able to stop enemy team just before they could secure point 3. We sadly didnt push payload enough, 20 meter missing. DEFEAT -22 SR.

GAME 34 - Eichenwalde - 2362 SR (playing McCree)
Game number 4 with team. Since we already had two supports I picked McCree. We pushed payload to the end while enemy team could not take first point. VICTORY +27 SR.

GAME 35 - Rialto - 2344 SR (playing Zenyatta)
Last game with team. Cant say its was productive session :slight_smile: We won 1 and lost 4 games. This game was loss too. Both team pushed payload to the end but we lost in second round. DEFEAT -18 SR.

Seems you have climbed as expected. Over 200sr higher peak than what you started. Nice.

I disagree with this. Iā€™m one of the players that needs time to warm up and plays MUCH better when warmed up. Partially because I like to play the very mechanically demanding heroes. It takes me a few games to get warmed up, if I just stopped playing after my 4th game every time, that means I would always stop playing right when Iā€™m starting to play at my best.

Also I disagree with quitting after you win a few games in a row, maybe you won a few games in a row because you are really in the zone and just playing very well? Maybe you would have won a lot more in a row if you had just continued playing? Usually if Iā€™m on a win streak, Iā€™ll just keep playing until I lose, unless Iā€™m just not having fun anymore, in which Iā€™ll turn it off. As a result, Iā€™ve had some really long win streaks. I think my longest streak was like 15 wins 2 losses or something (I won 5 games then lost one and then won 10 if I remember correctly).

And I wonā€™t quit playing just because I lost a game. Iā€™ll just assess what happened (maybe Iā€™m just having an off day, in which case Iā€™ll turn the game off or switch to quick play. Maybe Iā€™m just in a bad mood and getting unnecessarily tilted, then I will do the same).

But sometimes, Iā€™ll lose a couple in a row but still have a good mindset without getting tilted or anything and know that Iā€™m personally playing really well. In that case, I will just keep playing and it usually turns around and becomes a win streak

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But then there are times like I just experienced which are the complete opposite.

We had a solo tanking Rein, We had a Widow Tracer and I was Hanzo. I was getting healer picks. The widow switched to Lucio after she died twice cause we only had 1 heals which was a Zen. They had triple heals with Zen, Brig and Ana, Zarya and Rein as tanks and a Junkrat for DPS.

Our Rein would charge in without warning and die second later because their Ana slept him, Brig stunned him and Zen dropped a Discord on him as the Junk set his trap under him. He was behind the Rein shield and we only had Zen and Lucio as heals so he wasnā€™t healable. Our Ashe was not getting any elims oir pushing damage. She switched to Tracer without even getting her Bob ult. She tried to flank but kept getting caught in the Junkrat traps and dying.

Rein kept charging and dying, charging and dying. Then he started complaining about not getting healsā€¦ummā€¦we only have Zen and Lucio. As a solo tank he should not be that aggressively unless he had a Zarya to shield him and he was calling out his charges (and he wasnā€™t) So I tasked him, ā€œDude can you please be a little more conservative? You are the only one tanking and you arenā€™t letting us know when you are charging so we have no shielding.ā€ Immediately gave me an attitude, ā€œWell then you can tank -various abusive terms-.ā€ And then he up and switched to McCree.

I made a simple enough request and he automatically has a bad attitude. It boggles my mind that people will sit there and act like I am the problem when he is being far too reckless as a solo tank.

Then he and his group mate told the enemy team that I was being abusive which was a complete lie. Even my team agreed. Its situations like this one where whole groups will just drop 3-5 reports at once just because they want revenge for what was a polite request to be a little more conservative.


You were 5v6?

Basically yah.

This happens wearily often too. At most I get 2 maybe 3 decent matches in a row before I see more 5v6s or worse.

Just last night there was this 3 stack who all locked DPS!!! Widow, Hanzo and McCree! They didnl;t come into VC, they were all level 26. Its was likely a team of friends who made accounts at the same time and leveled to 25 just to play Comp. It was so frustrating because I was forced to heal and the other 2 people were forced to heal/tank and they didnā€™t tank/heal that often. Needless to say it was a horrible match. We lost very badly because that 3 DPS stack was just feeding all match. The McCree kept trying to flank and got nailed by the enemy DPS. The Widow was being counter sniped by an enemy Widow, and the Hanzo was also trying to flank while on defense and kepy getting killed too. There was never a Deadeye, no Dragons and we didnā€™t even get Recon from Widow until the 2nd point.

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I decided to switch from Zen to dps for now. I felt like I need a change. I played mostly Mei this evening, if Mei will not make my new season high in next 30 games i am going something else. Probably MCcree or new reaper if he will be changed as on PTR. I really hoped for new season high last game but we were defeated. My aim sucked whole evening. I dont know why, Maybe I was too tired and went to comp without warm up. Feel free to comment :slight_smile:

GAME 36 - Oasis - 2324 SR (playing Mei)
Wasnt easy game, we sadly lost. I think enemy team had better tanks to be honest, Enemy was good. I didnt play Mei for a long time too so I was little bit rusty :D. DEFEAT -20 SR.

GAME 37 - Temple of Anubis - 2350 SR (playing Mei)
I would say we had good team cooperation. I distracted enemy team by going streight to the point while I walled them up. I died but I think distraction was enough for my team to kill enemy team. We captured second point very fast too. Our reinhardt had very nice ES and I secured it with blizzard ult. Enemy team was unable to capture second point. I think they were fighting inside little bit, because they had 3 dps and they blamed junk for not switching to deal with pharah. But they had widow and she wasnt bad so idk. VICTORY +26 SR.

GAME 38 - Rialto - 2331 SR (playing Mei)
I didnt have good first round, bad walls, I just could not do much. Enemy team had pirate ship with bastion and double shield. Attack round was much better on my part but we could not make it to the end, but we almost had it. Bob saved enemy team basicly. DEFEAT -19 SR.

GAME 39 - Eichenwalde - 2358 SR (playing Mei)
We werent able to push pyload to the second point but enemy team was even worse. I had very nice potg and our lucio did pretty good job by booping people :). VICTORY +27 SR.

GAME 40 - Junkertown - 2386 SR (playing Mei)
Really not much to tell, enemy team had pretty bad luck with leaver before they reached first point. They didnt have the chance. VICTORY +28 SR.

GAME 41 - Lijiang Tower - 2365 SR (playing Mei/McCree)
I was hoping for new season high but sadly not this time. We were destroyed first time. Our tanks was just way too passive. Second round was better but we still didnt lost even second round. I started with Mei and switched to McCree for second round. I didnt play exactly super bad, but my aim was definitely off because I was playing different hero this night and didnt practice with cree before. DEFEAT -21 SR.

Here is link to this set of games.

Well you know what? 2-2-2 is not only viable composition, personally i always love to see 1shield + 2 main heals + 3 dps where 1 dps is flanker 1 is hitscan and 3rd one can be whatever - even brig to swap.
Also, one wise man once said ā€œHealers needs to enable tanks then tanks needs to create space for DPSā€ so, itā€™s not always DPS fault for losing, mostly its not DPS fualtā€¦ If healers do not prioritise tanks and keep them alive then tanks cant create space for DPS to land some shoots, everything needs to work out, together. Itā€™s a team base game :wink: :wave:

Look up Wizardhyeongā€™s Diamond Zenyatta video, its super helpful and gives some wonderful insight on positioning, orbs and right clicking :smiley:

That genji is not a smurf, he just do what genji does. And there IS much you can do, you are way out of position almost all the time, you donā€™t have a maintank and that sucks, but play closer to zarya or your other healer so they can assist you when genji dives you, or stand waaay further back so he has to run across the entire map to get to you (on 1st point). Your aim is decent for your rank but shoot more, you need to charge your ult faster. And your ult using is garbage, You trans to save yourself cuz reaper duels you, so now you canā€™t save your team when zarya grav and genji Blade.

On attack you did much better.

You play so bad here Iā€™m amazed you blame your tanks. You fail your walls, you wall off YOUR Dva bomb!!!. You donā€™t split the enemy team, you blindly throw your ultimate and got noone in it, you fail to headshot after freezing. You donā€™t stand in the Frontline and walling of rein, you stand so far back that your right-click has fall off DMG.

Mei Doesnt have dmg fall off. Chill out lol, you dont need to be so negative :slight_smile:

Yeah my bad, thought they patched that.
And Iā€™m being negative because op said that he will reflect on what was good/bad in the game after playing, and the only thing he said was ā€œthier tanks are better than our tanksā€ and in my eyes he should focus more on what he is doing wrong.

I am the OP in fact :slight_smile: , i just use this different account on my phone. Not sure if you were refering to first game with mei but i had just feeling that enemy team had better tanks. I am not afraid to say i played bad, but i dont have problem to share my feeling about others. I am writing the info right after game without watching the game back. I usualy watch only some games, not all of them because i dont have so much time. I am trying to say that i might not be right in the info, its just my feelings just after game.

I didnt feel like i had good walls with mei in general yesterday. I was tired after few days without proper sleeping and i am 34 so it take some time for me to get to my form. I know that because my mei is usualy better. I just hope i had only one bad day. :slight_smile:.

Anyway i am glad for any kind of constructive feedback, no hard feelings. I just felt you roasted me too much :grin:

I will try to focus more on myself.

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And you are very correct. 2-2-2 is not the ONLY viable composition. The part that matters is whether or not they choose to communicate and coordinate with their team and work towards a mutual victory. And as I stated, they werenā€™t in VC, they were all low level and likely were inexperienced with the game.

I never said it as always the fault of the DPS. I look at each situation individually. I do not judge all DPS players by one person I met 10 matches ago. I observe everyone as an individual and how we operate as a unit in that moment in time.

So yes, in this case, it was their fault for feeding the enemy, not engaging in comms, and not coordinating with the other 3 members of the team.

So to sum up your experience in gold: people at this elo are idiots and you need to ultra instinct carry to get out of it.

Yeah that tracks XD

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But now I am low Silver again thanks to so many DPS Moira and Anas the lasty 2 days as well as reckless tanks.

There IS one positive thing I have noticed though. The amount of leavers and ā€œactiveā€ griefers have been at an all time low lately. Most people have been having legit DCs and people in group have been able to explian why and they return. Power outages, internet service interruptions etc. Stuff happens.

Only seen 1 maybe 2 instances of chain leavers this whole week or so. Kind of refreshing really.

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Here is another 5 games I played today, I made new season high 2415 SR. If you want to see more, read more, give me tips or just say anything related, dont forget to comment :slight_smile:

GAME 42 - Oasis - 2389 SR (playing Mei)
We won first round, but had troubles in second one. Enemy team took 99% when we finally won the fight on point and we didnt let enemy team to take it again. VICTORY +24 SR.

GAME 43 - Blizzard world - 2415 SR (playing Mei)
We captured first point in 2 minutes and one guy one enmy team said ā€œI am doneā€. We had problems to push payload to the second point but we eventually made it to the end. Same guy as before said GG, so nice to have someone so positive in your team right? :). We didnt let enemy team to capture first point. VICTORY +26 SR.

GAME 44 - Volskaya Industries - 2392 SR (playing Mei/McCree)
Bad game, I am pretty sure we had thrower duo on our team. Playing Zarya+hanzo never combining ults and throwing them just randomly when everyone was dead. Rest of the team probably reported them just as me. We ended with 1:2. DEFEAT -23 SR.

GAME 45 - Nepal - 2374 SR (playing Mei)
We lost first round and after that we had leaver. That guy came back when enemy team had already 40% in second round. It was loss. DEFEAT -18 SR.

GAME 46 - Route 66 - 2403 SR (playing Mei)
Good game, friendly team, people talking. Enemy team wasnt able to push even to the first point because we were holding pretty good. We had troubles in our attack round too but we won in overtime. Victory +29 SR.

Here is link to my new games:

One thing I notice you do is you make a brief pause after freezing an opponent to line up a headshot. As you go up in tiers, this pause you do will just allow the other non-frozen enemies to headshot you really easy. So work on being able to line up a headshot without having to pause your movement. This should be easy to do since a frozen enemy is not moving. I notice a similar kind of pause when setting up a wall. You will need to get faster which should come naturally when you become more familiar with her.

Thx for feedback, you are right. I actualy noticed that too when I was rewatching parts of my games. Its possible I do that from fear of not landing headshot. If I dont fix this naturaly by doing comp, I would have to find a way how to practice that, maybe in practice mode on bots?.

Here is another 5 games I still played today, I made it into Platinum with new season high 2528 SR. If anyone want to see more, read more, give me tips or just say anything related, dont forget to comment :slight_smile:

GAME 47 - Numbani - 2429 SR (playing Mei)
Enemy team had good Genji player, I tried to focus him, but it was almost impossible. We lost all 3 points but we were able to push payload to the end too, I guess both teams sucked at defense. In next rounds enemy team took first point, but we won fight in Overtime just shorty after. Grav+blizzard+blade was too much for them even with lucio ult. We pushed payload further and won. Victory +26 SR.

GAME 48 - Temple of Anubis - 2451 SR (playing Mei/Pharah/Reaper/McCree/Widowmaker)
I started with Mei but I switched to Pharah when I saw enemy team had nothing against her, so it could mean advantage. Normaly it would be true, but not in my case, because I played honestly so damn bad :slight_smile: We captured actualy both points but I did absolutly nothing to make that happen. Btw, I picked Mcree after I ulted and killed nothing with Pharah. When we were defending I started with Widowmaker and I played much better than in attack. We eventualy lost first point so I switched to Reaper and I think I did good on him. Enemy team could not take second point and I had even potg at the end. I played 5 heroes this match lol. Victory +22 SR.

GAME 49 - Ilios - 2473 SR (playing Mei)
We won both rounds, enemy team was probably fighting inside because I saw ā€œreport junkratā€ in match chat in middle of second round. Victory +22 SR.

GAME 50 - Hanamura - 2498 SR (playing Mei)
Weird start, some kid told me to to not play Mei and when I asked why, his response was ā€œI dont knowā€. He said more, but honestly I could not udnerstand him at all. I dont have anything against kids, its just I am 34 so anyone below 18 is kid for me :). We captured first point in our first attempt. Second was little bit harder but we made it too. When I was killed by Pharah in defend round, I switched to Widowmaker and later to McCree to have better chance for win. We were able to hold second point. 2 SR from platinum :slight_smile: Victory +25 SR.

GAME 51 - Horizon Lunar Colony - 2528 SR (playing Mei)
Exceptionaly good game we had, very good team , people talking and working together. I am starting to feel I am getting little bit more better team work as I am climbing away higher from Gold. We captured both points, enemy didnt capture even first one. I finally made it to Platinum this game. Diamond is waiting haha :D. Victory +30 SR.

Here is link to these games above: