Overwatch 2 isn’t all that exciting in the first place. Yeah, I said it. Healers are not even the issue.
why play support when for half the effort you can have twice the impact on dps or tank
Well, I had been thinking they could buff the Ult charge gain on Supports.
At a minimum, buff it up to the point where it’s equivalent to the amount of Ults they get per game in OW1.
In Overwatch, why play dps when you can play a healer and with half the effort, win most of your games.
overwatch. not overwatch 2
OW2 is not out yet. Now, take your lumps.
I’d love to side with the guys who say “git gud” on support, but that’s just not the issue here.
Or, at least not all of it.
For those “git guuders” out there, you’re partly right. The support are currently being queued with people well above their skill level, due to MMR not being applied currently on matches.
This causes some serious skill gaps, especially if your tank is used to having high level heals in a match, and ends up getting stuck with potato heals (IE: Me…).
Add in that you lack a tank to peel for you, your DPS are running faster than you are, and everyone is itching to try out their new characters abilities in a Leeroy Jenkins playstyle, and it’s damned frustrating for anyone willing to attempt to play a support character.
I like playing Lucio, my aim with him is bad, I’m having troubles getting it down on OW2, especially with the longer distances in play on some of the new maps. With the high burst potential of the reworked dps, lack of shields to hide behind, and on push maps, a lack of sufficient cover with visibility, it’s damned difficult to stay alive.
Widow has been especially difficult to deal with in the new meta. She picks off healers like nothing. One shot, one kill, couldn’t be more true. Fine, I switch to Brig… 2 shots, 1 kill. One to break the shield, the other to break my skull.
It’s frustrating to be certain, but I’m still trying to learn the good cover spots, the best way to LoS Widow, etc. Hopefully I’ll get the hang of it, but if not, I’ll still be trying.
It’s kinda the point though. Risk vs reward. The Ebb and flow of battles. Healers been having the good life forever now. Hard to adjust to normalcy when cloud 9 was your previous platform.
It is a call for healers to get good. I say, keep trying and be the best you can be. If there are real glaring issues, Blizzard will make adjustments.
The only thing he said that made since was in the beginning when he said the most skill based role now is support.
Very few support players played as a ‘heal bot’ and you never climbed as a support playing healbot either.
I wouldn’t go quite that far. Your support is what props you up. Your supports allow you to make those plays. Your supports are what make the push possible.
Saying that supports have had it too easy, sure, the skill ceiling has certainly been raised in so far as staying alive. Getting value from a support is directly proportional to how long they can stay alive. It’s exceedingly easy to kill a support out of position.
Out of position: IE: Not near the team.
How do you get into position when your entire team is faster than you? What do you tell them when they push so far ahead of you, that you’re left out in the open trying to catch up, or you’re never around the team fight because you’re being farmed?
That is a nice review by that y2ber.
Most dps aren’t that fast. Any tank worth their salt is going to try to stay in the sight lines of the heals.
Rein probably needs a speed boost of at least 10%.
It is very ridiculous to get out of spawn, see the dps and the tank going very fast and you as a support at a snail’s pace, the supports need a speed buff and a healing buff, hp buff etc.
I find it astounding. Normally I agree with him but this time its not even close! DPS are the most easiest role in the game to play. You get kills and thats it (for the most part of the game). Tanks are now extremely durable and terrifying to face. And supports have to be aware of everything, heal, dish out DPS, know when to hide, try to find the line between do their job and doing other things?
I agree that support was easier than tank in OW2. But the difficulty spike is not even comparable from what the tanks in OW1 have to do. It seems a bit unfair that supports now have to step up their game while DPS and tanks having the skill floor lowered because they have now the green light to do everything they like.
And DPS is the easiest more straight forward role. Not just in OW1 but even more so in OW2. When you die nothing really happens. If a support or tank dies then… well.
I see what you did there.
I would say you are brought in line. Signed, the other side of the coin.
Welcome to being a mortal again.
He is also just a guy so different from me or you. We all have things we disagree with. I dont see the point of your comment.
If everyone had that attitude, dps would be the queue bottleneck in both games! And yet, life is never that simple.
You can make support S tier like in Overwatch and people still prefer to play dps. That’s a nonsense point.