Wow it’s almost like I called this weeks ago…
The vast majority of tanks on the whole will be rather useless should the opposing team run Ball/Hog/Sig. As far as we know, these OP OW1 heroes are retaining what makes them fundamentally broken and overpowered. Until this is addressed, all other tanks will be fairly obselete by comparison.
Reinhardt, Winston and D.Va are going to incredibly victimized here due to how they currently play. Not enough is changing with their kits, and much like those other three I mentioned, what fundamen…
…for a meta to fully take shape, map rotations to get sorted, hero abuses to get sorted and we’ll know how this game is.
Right now the community is just in a state of shock and awe. Let that wear off, let some folks figure out the game and aspects that can be exploited, and then the community can form a more in depth opinion. Everything thus far is just reactionary jargon.
Alot of folks insta-praising what they have seen thus far, and while the visual and auditory experiences are solid, there …
Think that all you want.
Nano-Boost is only getting stronger with one less player to peel and punish you. Anti-Nade still exists. Sleep Dart still exists as the ultimate “Shut down 95% of all Ults”. And now she will be highlighted as one of the best DPS supports in the game instead of a tank healbot.
All it will take is a few weeks to solve how and where to position with her in Push, and in 5v5 and she’ll be right back on top.
Anyone who understands this game knows all it will take is a few weeks for players to learn proper positioning on these new maps and with 1 less tank and support will be on top again.
If nothing else, remember this
In a blowout match, one team’s supports are getting farmed.
The others are hard carrying
Universal support NERFS are coming!
There’s still “too much sustain” ruining the “shooter-fest-bonanza” the devs are seeking to create.