Client Requested Disconnect

It’s happening in unranked as well

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This happened to me 2 days ago and since then I have not been able to play a single game in any mode without disconnecting. I’ve restarted my router and my system to no avail. I really don’t know what to do and I’m kind of over it at this point.


Same here, this is total crap, I got an hour ban for the second one.

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I’ve gotten disconnected at least 5 times

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I’ve had it happen at least 5 times in an hour. Once per game at least.

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Yeah ive been playing quick play since earlier cause i got randomly disconnected along with half my team during comp, and i cant even get through 1/2 of a QP game before i get kicked.
seems like its happening to everyone right now.

But i did just try to disconnect from my internet (was using a direct plug) and i tried running off my WIFI instead and so far at least ive been able to play a full QP game without disconnecting so im waiting to see if its gonna be consistent before i risk jumping into comp again.

Maybe it will help for you if you havent tried it yet


I couldnt agree more with your sentiment this is so ridiculius. However as an Autistic, I would like to request you stop using that word. No disrespect, its just a really hurtful slur :heart:

Good luck in your games! :heart:

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Kept trying quick and arcade. Up to 11games -75%exp now. It not my Net I switch games it works fine. So unfair

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it happens in unranked too (which Ik isn’t as bad) but its affecting the whole game and has been going on for about 3 days and blizzard hasn’t even made a statement about it even tho like half the community is reporting it and complaining. This is so frustrating and I keep getting leaver penalties even tho im not actually leaving the games


I got banned after multiple disconnects. thanks blizz


Same issue here. Played yesterday with my friends and after a few quick play warm ups games we were ready to jump into comp. As soon as we got the “Game found” for our first comp game, I got “Client Requested Disconnect” and received a season 4 ban. Really sucks since I actively did stuff to improve my connection (Which never had issues on other games) : Bought a LAN cable to always play with a wired connection & paid to improve my speed which was already fine. Now I can’t play till June this is so stupid. The disconnection definitely was on blizzard’s end because one of my friend also got disconnected as well as 3 guys on the other team. Can’t believe i’m being penalized in a major way for that.


Just wait until you get a season ban because of Overwatch’s problems…

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I got “Failed to Connect Sever” just game it said “game found” then penalty twice in 2 days already. This broken game man smh.


You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Competitive Match Disconnection And Temporary Ban. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for bringing this up! I just saw this and I fully agree with this sentiment. It is a harmful phrase that neurotypical people cannot reclaim anytime soon :yellow_heart: Thank you for bringing this up to them : )

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I received the ‘Failed to Connect Server’ message twice in two days, even though I have a stable internet connection. I also got disconnected during a comp game and received a 15-minute ban twice because their servers are unstable.


I have gotten disconnected 5 times 3 in ranked and 2 in unranked. I physically cannot play anymore I am scared of getting banned. Blizzard fix your DDOS problem before the game dies. It is a good game, and I love it, but if you don’t do something now, alot of people will leave your fanbase. I hope you fix this fast Blizzard.


I got 15 minute suspension today. After the same, even after i was able to reconnect rejoin the game and win the game. Wtaf.

Blizzard its past time for you to fix your game.

You probably never should have released this trash pile it was obviously not ready.


I’m also having this same bug. Seems to happen mostly during the first game I join after I launching the client, and it’s caused me to get multiple competitive losses/suspensions…

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same. for about almost half a year i have been experiencing this issue, every time i enter a game i get disconnected a minute later saying client requested disconnect, i haven’t been able to play past the first minutes of overwatch for almost half a year. i have tried everything but nothing is working.

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