Clearly blizzard doesn't care about anything anyone is saying

You should really look-up the Reinhardt bugs, then. It’s hilariously broken, and has lost people games.

I usually just link one example, but there’s so many I’d rather just direct you to a bunch of them

None of that is acceptable, especially when you realize some of these things have been problems for 2 years.

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Sorry next time we will get millions to agree on and leave a like.
Do youtube channels with millions of followers count?
How about pro players with thousands of followers on every single social media?
Live streamers like Tim, seagull, dspStanky and about 60 more?
How about OWL numbers on the last day of final being lower than Fortnite on a regular night? I guess that is just coincidence.
Oh no Delthor, says our opinions do not matter!! Call the Queen! Summon the agents! Code rainbow! We need to fix this immediately or our ego will die!

Yeah, I’m familiar with some of these bugs, I did mained him for a couple earlier competitive seasons. Never the less I still managed to climb with him and have fun. His bugs aren’t so frequent and game breaking that prevents him from being one of the highly required and used characters of the recent season.

That is just rude. Why are you on the forums then?

Honestly, a few thousand would actually be notable; it doesn’t need to be millions. I’m just pointing out that a few hundred likes on a thread complaining about the game doesn’t mean its dying. Even a few thousand doesn’t mean the game is dead; it just means that there’s some kind of consensus on a particular issue.

Not everyone who is subscribed to a YouTube channel or following a Twitch streamer agrees with everything that person says. I’m subscribed to several who I generally agree with, but still regularly disagree with.

Isn’t there a video for what the Op is saying?
Oh yeah this

People in the chat agreed when said streamers and youtubers and even news blogs said OW now is dying. Probably you are not subscribed to them huh?
Also the numbers combined are more than thousands. You can’t demand everyone presses a like on something they agree. Not everyone reads the same posts or watches the same videos and/or streamers.
Also wanna take a look at the stock of the company perhaps? Cause i’m up for that also if you want further proof. Maybe their financial records from 2017-18?

Wait wait. Please don’t try to censor criticism. Freedom of speech is important here. Literally a huge purpose of this forum is for people to voice criticisms as a paying customer. I’ve paid probably over 300 dollars in lootboxes to be honest. I don’t regret it, I’ve played this game for a long time and I like my loot, I liked the idea of supporting this game when I did buy lootboxes. I do not buy lootboxes anymore. I feel like I am entitled to voice criticism toward a game I have invested over a thousand hours playing, and paid more than the average player pays, to support. Loot is nice but I only justified the purchase because I really felt it was a game worth supporting.

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I’m not demanding anything. Merely pointing out the absurdity of declaring that the game is dying every time a negative post gets a few up votes or a popular streamer says so.

That kind of stuff has been happening for the entire lifetime of the game. Yet, it continues to live on.

Instead of trying to sensationalize every bit of negativity, why not just contribute to the discussion of the game’s flaws? That way, we might have more meaningful discourse and less angry yelling that doesn’t communicate much of anything beyond “We’re upset.”

If it has likes then it must be everyone’s opinion right?

How’s that working out for Hillary Clinton.

Because there is no point in doing that. The devs do not listen to any feedback. Even if we did manage though to somehow have such a discussion i am more than certain that certain types of people will pop mid conversation and try to derail it, like it happens of so often around here. Said people will start accusing everyone of being a “crybaby”, “entitled brat”, “asking for free stuff”, “unskilled”, “low rank”, “too high rank” etc. Because sadly in the forums the one place where a discussion should be possible, seems like the mods look the other way when bullying and curse words get thrown around from blizzard defenders. Case in point 2 hours ago there was an antisemtic post from one of the well known blizz whiteknights. The post was massively flagged, said person still in forums defending.

It’s not just a one time phenomenon, or something that happens sporadically. It is not even something that you cannot see or measure. It happens every day, people have quit, lots of people have quit to be honest. People that have huge massive followings have quit. Variety streamers that used to stream once a week OW are not even bothering with the game anymore. The stock is barely up from a 4 week slide, the financial data indicate a decline in earnings and investments and generally things do not look bright on any front for the game.
Even the communication from the devs has been less, to the point of non existent.

Believe it or not, people that complain love this game. They do not do it to make it die. Games do not die from posts on social media, forums, news channels, blogs, financial journals etc. Games die when customers leave because they are not being heard and because issues are not being fixed.
That is why Fortnite is so big and will continue to be huge. Because devs listen to the community. It’s always the same thing that kills a game.

The negativity is not because of a stupid event or stupid skins. It does not come from those factors. It stems from deeper more present and pressing issues that have been plaguing this game for far too long.


TBH though I love lucio ball. I liberally use the TURN IT UP IN MY HEADPHONES voiceline when something is going down.

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What everybody is forgetting is Activision. They are causing Blizzard to change their Agenda from support to money. If you want a good game just know that Activision is the problem.


Both mine and JellyandJam’s posts became some of the highest upvoted posts of all time on this forum in a single day, yet we haven’t got a response.

The devs would rather comment on how Torbjorn sleeps.

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She won the peoples vote but then again trump still won, so that clearly meant that peoples votes don’t matter. Any other questions.

Not true they fixed “GGEZ”


People need to get woke.

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Epic Games listened to their community on reddit and now the balance is terrible. It probably isn’t wise to always listen to the players

Yes some people on forum need to woke and understand they are only a minority if compared to all the others players

I guess reddit was a minority too with 600k dislikes on battlefront 2? No? Too Early?