Classic overwatch, pls! jeff

Uhm??? Pretty sure Mercy was literally meta

Yes it can be nice mode or another game

Before her rework? Before Immortality (after Resurrecting)? Nope. She was almost never used in pro play and never saw herself in games above diamond. The only reason her pickrate was high back then was because her skill floor was relatively low so not-so-good players - mostly gold and plat, played her. These players make up a large portion of the player base. Additionally, even after the buff that made her temporarily invulnerable (which by the way was added because devs said her ultimate was pretty bad as Mercy almost always died right afterwards) nothing much changed. Other than the bs “Hide n Res” strategy that people started to use because temp immortality literally incentivises it (even though it’s a pretty rubbish strat).

Yes she was. Not in s2, but in s1.

Edit: Also, hide and rez was a thing way before she made herself immune to damage when rezzing.

I don’t know much about season 1. I started playing during season 2. :no_mouth:

It was of course a thing because of the nature of Ressurect but:

  1. It literally almost never worked because you’d always get wiped again (still happened after immunity but it made tempo ressing pretty powerful so most Mercy players just ditched the hide strat and opted to stay with their teams)

  2. It was very rare, only ever done in low ranks, because again, the strategy was inherently bad. If you want a better explanation, just read the Recent Developments section of this thread:

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