Chipsa talks about the PTR DF nerfs

I talked about Zen above, and if sleep dart got baited out that’s her fault. Sym is fair though, not much she in particular can do to stop it except the standard counterplay(listed above). I do think her TP speed should be buffed.

Don’t think you actually watched the video, or have bothered to test the PTR nerfs yourself. The uppercut change is the only change that is warranted. All of the other changes are bad because they make Doomfist EASIER to play, not harder.

Against players that aren’t bots, your slam doesn’t give you enough time to get in uppercut range unless you literally slam right next to them. If you don’t get the uppercut off, you won’t kill them at all. This plus the distance nerf on slam makes the combo unrealistically easy to avoid and counter, to the point that it won’t even be Doomfist’s main playstyle anymore.

The only thing you’re going to be doing as Doomfist now is punching, and then Shift > E back to your team. Over and over again. Then when your ult is up, you use all 3 of your abilities, and use your ult to get back to safety. Deciding whether to use your ult on damage or escaping is now a nonfactor because the ult’s killing potential is trash unless your enemies are in a grav. Chipsa (one of the best DF players in the world) was struggling to even one shot BOTS with it. And people want to sit here and say, “oH bUT hE TaKeS MoRe SkiLL NoW”.

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Well it works just then same when DF is standing still, preparing his attack.

Yeah the nerfs are bad.

Reducing the stun, sure.
Reducing the CC in the air after Uppercut, sure but people can literally skywalk :joy:
Reducing the distance from Slam is BS.

There was absolutely no reason to cut off that skill range by 5 meters, specially to a character that is ALL distance and his effectiveness depends on being on melee range.

Zen isn’t as simple as you’re describing. You kinda just “click her head 4head” meme’d yourself there.

Like it’s almost the same as saying Zen should just Discord and headshot the old Mercy Valk when her GA basically teleported her.

Can Zen kill him? Absolutely. Is he gonna do it reliably? Maybe if he immediately reacts to DF presence while he’s charging a punch, but he could just as easily release the punch earlier and kill him in some other way.

I think I could live with the changes being made… My only real gripe is the clunky interaction between Uppercut to Slam.

I don’t like feeling like I’m being more CC’ed than my hit target for using Uppercut because there is a reminder, “Hey… I have a huge hitbox, and I’m floating.”

You know, as much as I hate Doomfist (and it’s a lot!), I don’t think they should hit the same character with multiple large nerfs all at once. It’s way too easy to overshoot balanced and make them badly underpowered.

If the strength of the kit is in right click like widows one shot. Why is hers on 1 second cooldown at infinite range while his is 5 seconds at 20m?


if you watch chipsa stream for longer them 20 minute you gonna see chipsa cries about everything almost

last time he told to chat he never die normaly he always die to spam or a bad players have “lucky” and kill him



I play Zen a ton and that’s how I deal with him. Climbed from 1k SR doing that.

Alright then go watch branditos videos about the nerfs. Makes similar points but brandito is decently wholesome guy whos worst insult is “nerd” Problem solved


Because hers requires much more accuracy. What else does she have? A 10s mobility skill and a 14s mine that does 75 dot (it doesn’t even synergize with her bodyshot by doing 80) while revealing someone to her. Which is largely useless (along with her ult) if they choose not to peek.

So because she needs more accuracy she can be much stronger. Does that mean if we make a pixel based sniper she can do 1000 damage? Its alright because she takes accuracy.

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If that’s literally the only thing the hero can do (no other abilities or ult) then probably. Are you understanding the point?

Considering that 1000 damage wouldn’t ever happen, because it’d be too hard to land it’d actually be bad.

doing 1000 damage would never be balanced ever. Thats the point. If you wanna make a hero whos one shot potential is their main form of fighting then it needs to be usable all the time. If you make a hero who can only do their job every 5 seconds that hero would be terrible. And if you watched the video youd know Chipsa thinks that RP is OP and should have been nerfed to make way for a more fair kit.

If you think a pixel based aim wouldnt be abused, it would. There are people out there who would be able to practice and use this consistently. And it would be abused to god damn bad because you could 1 shot almost anything. Skill requirements dont make it suddenly alright for a hero to be way too strong.

“This hero is gonna be dumpster for a long time.”

Oh noes!!
How tragic!!
Mr. One-Shot has been nerfed, and will probably be useless!!

Welcome to the club.

Take it you’re not a fan of the “aim = everything” mentality?

I wasn’t even taking it seriously.

The specifics of RP doesn’t matter, the possibility does. He carries the possibility of oneshotting you (much more easily than Widow) while his other two abilities create an extremely forgiving combo that might as well be considered a oneshot as well. That’s okay to you? It’s okay he has one of the easiest one shots in the game, so he should also have abilities that make following up with his hand cannon ez mode?

Literally the most picked hero in the game. Has a mobile shield with the highest HP which can be taken out at will, a shield-piercing projectile that nets him a lot of ult charge and a team-winning ult that’s best countered by either having your whole team scattered or having your own Reinhardt. And yes, he also has a OHKO ability.

Sounds broken on paper, right? Don’t sell Reinhardt so short.