ChipSa says that Genji didn't need a buff

No he’s the one who complains about Widow and is unlooki all the time

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Well literally everyone said that, but you rather nerf all heroes and risk making balance even worse or just buff him into being broken like them? lol

I believe Samito even said the same thing (about Genji, not Doom).




But it IS good for a laugh to hear that every other teamfight

I mean… it’s not hard to believe that Genji is broken.


Who do you trust? Pretty sure everyone has a problem with every pro player

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Ok this is gonna be a SUPER hot take.

But his gamesense is poor. I mean REALLY poor. He does however have SUPER good technical ability and reaction times, hence why he plays heroes like Genji.

Imagine you had a Windowmaker who’s map positioning was awful. They never took high ground, stood way too close to the enemy frontline. But they consistently had a 90% accuracy rating, and of those shots, they landed 70% of their shots as headshots, you’d still expect them to climb. That’s the position Chipsa is in.


He wasnt. He was at worst 5th most picked DPS, and he was a top dps in every single meta, even GOATS.

And he doesnt, not anymore. His skill floor was shattered, and his winrate/pickrate in Silver/Bronze are insane for a so called ‘‘skill based’’ hero. He is rivaling Moira’s winrate in Silver/Bronze.


I hate to say this and you probably will never hear that again from me if i can avoid it, but Chipsa is right.

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I’m just gonna assume you’ve never seen his gameplay outside of his “unlooki” clips, his gamesense, survivability, and being able to read the enemy team is what makes him a good player :woman_shrugging:

Look, I don’t like Genji and I think he’s busted. But never take ChipSa’s opinions with anything greater than the FATTEST grain of salt - so big that you’d get high blood pressure.

Any particular reason why?

He rants about balance but it’s pure bias more often than not. His attitude and behavior are vile, and he often shares his takes on balance when he’s in a fit of rage.

Water is wet.

That was an obvious, genji was never bad he didn’t need ANY BUFFS. Problem is majority of flanker mains are TRASH and still think it’s S6 when mobility had 0 counter play and reigned Supreme, they hate the fact that supports were not free kills and hate the fact that he got actual consistent counter play. Now you just abuse alt fire to build alt and destroy the backline for free since his alt fire is a shotgun now. Character is busted af currently , ill go as far to say EVERY genji main is getting carried hard by their Character atm.


Remember when Soldier was good?

Genji needed deflect to be cancelled that’s all.

Even Samito said buffing his damage AND spread without any compensation nerfs, especially to blade, while Ana was meta, would make him busted.

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Guess I’m in a third group

I feel genji needed a small nudge

I honestly think a single small buff would’ve been fine for genji.

But what is essentially 5 fairly decent sized buffs?




Just gonna put in that once again no one looks at Bastion, who had 0.0% pickrate in OWL and is considered a throw pick in a majority of ranks (yes, that includes down here in bronze/silver).

Bastion imo needs a rework.

His current kit will forever hold him back from getting meaningful buffs.

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