ChibiFox should be the balance leader in Blizzard's office

A dark mist seeps through the cracks of the room around you. You’re cold. It’s not supposed to be cold… and you didn’t leave your bedroom door open like that did you?

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If you don’t get this reference then you have some amazing googling to do.

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Give Bastion booty shorts and you have my vote


I wouldn’t care who was CEO of Blizzard at this point. As long as it’s literally anyone who isn’t currently working there already. How tainted can a company become by the mere presence of activision?


What is this fawning going on in here!?!?

Don’t you realize the OP is from their alt account!?!?

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I actually wish i was that smart. Not gunna lie.

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Broken AI is ChibiFox’s alt. I’m just saying, have you ever seen them reply to the same thread at the same time?

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The problem now is that people probably actually think that… which means they also assume that i am as vain and self centered as i actually am, which is by all means a problem.

Chibi stop spamming with alts.


Only if I can be the bunny side-kick.

We would make the cutest Disney duo ever!

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Sadly i already have a bunny side kick, which is oddly specific… but i do agree that we’d be an utterly adorable Disney duo, and i fully endorse the idea at any and all times.

I really hope this isn’t a joke that’s catching on… i really don’t have an alt. ;-;

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Its easy to be an arm chair developer and throw out our ideas onto a forum without knowing the quirks and work life of an actual developer deals with.

It really depends on what you mean, because when it comes to numbers it is actually possible to be good at things that even developers are good at.

Also if i did have an alt account, i would at least reference myself with the correct pronouns. ^,^

Would appreciate if you stopped bumping this troll thread.

I will not address whether or not the thread’s creator’s intentions were just or not, but i have every right to speak in a thread which mentions my own name do i not?

Lol, is this one of your alts Chibifox? Shameful :nail_care:

You’re ideas would ruin this as the game devolves into a daycare for babies.

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Don’t forget D.Va who can 1v6 all of them.

If it was their alt they would have put me in charge of Blizz

Man Chibi has a stable full of alts. Is anyone not one of their alts?

Few things for Chibifox. First, If he was part of the balance team, would he take my Bastion and Sym changes into consideration (and tone down that Echo ult)? At least think about it, cause I’ve worked my butt off to get those changes to be the way they are. Secondly, would he make a skin (or Brigitte skin, either one works) so amazing, that I’ll never take off the skin? And finally, HE HAS AN ALTERNATE ACCOUNT!?! Whaa! For a guy with that many posts to have an alternate account’s kinda trippy. Just saying (and most likely untrue).

(after playing Overwatch for 2 hours) Do I have to make fox noises to call his name? plz don’t let me resort to this again (calls Chibifox’s name, then says it again, but in fox)