Check your enemy's COMPOSITION! (All golds please read)

Why is this such a hard thing for my teammates to understand?! I know we’re in freaking gold but COME ON!!! This is something a level 10 player should know! If you’re losing, hell even if you’re winning, press tab (or whatever the equivalent is on console) and check out your enemy’s team, and what it is comprised of. Then see what the gaps in their team comp is, and exploit it!

So, for example, if you see a team with 3 DPS, NONE of whom has real effective long range damage, pick a character who is good at LONG RANGE DAMAGE!!! If you have an open ceiling (and/or a lot of space) pick Pharah! If you have high ground to abuse grab a sniper! But don’t keep playing Sombra, and 3 supports! I freaking hate that! I’m trying to shield us from getting murdered, and none of my teammates can switch to counter Reaper, Bastion, and Symmetra. All of whom can be countered by the same people! I would’ve been happy if our only other tank had gone DPS!

I’m always on the lookout for holes in my enemy team comp, and sometimes I’ve had to mess up our team comp to do it. like when I saw our enemies playing 2 snipers, and a hitscan. I could’ve stayed a DPS, I could’ve switched to Junkrat, Reaper, Genji, tried to get close to them and kill them. But I thought “You know what counters two snipers really well? Winston.” We already had two tanks, but I went Winston anyways. not because I think Goats is a good comp, but because exploiting an enemy team’s weakness is more important than maintaining a standard 2-2-2.

Why am I the only gold player who knows this?! I shouldn’t be the only gold player who presses tab, sees an enemy team, and thinks “What can I do to mess them up?” Gold players! I urge you to start checking your enemy team’s comp, and finding THEIR weaknesses, instead of focusing on your team’s comp and shouting at the Widows to switch off. If you know what a crappy team comp looks like than evaluate the ENEMY!!! And if you know what their weakness is exploit it! If you’re not the Reinhardt on your team you can do whatever you like. Your other healer will pick up your heals, your Reinhardt will fill the tank role solo. All that matters is getting the W, and sending your enemies home with the L.

And even if you are the Reinhardt if your other tank is an Orisa let her take care of it. The only reason I didn’t pharah was because our other tank was a Roadhog. There’s no sense in killing the three DPS if your team is getting anti’d, and charged through because they don’t have a shield to protect them.

Just every time you can say it just tell what your team need to do and you are NOT the only person doing that.

Sorry for my bad english

Because it’s not enough to know what heroes can potentially work well with your team or against the enemy team. You have to be able to play said heroes at the level you’re at as well.

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Because people believe the way to rank up is 1 trick and ‘solo carry’ and the devs do nothing to stop this mentality.

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Gold is a mess on console.

screw that, im gonna play pharah into 4 hitscans no matter what, even if no one plays zen or mercy and the only healer we have is an ana who plays the game like their rifle is a microscope they’re performing a c-section on a cockroach under. it’s my $40 and you don’t decide how i spend my money!

plus i have gold damage and my main is masters. i actually was thinking about going pro and playing for the dc expansion team. had the offer all tied up and ready to take but it really wasn’t good enough for me so i had to turn it down.

learn to heal noob noob and maybe one day OWL pros will actually know who u are and u can become a legend like me

The answer is pretty simple:
Alt-accounts dont switch. Alt-accounts dont care about winning. Alt-accounts don’t care about your SR.