Check out this weird game. (Replay code inside)

The enemy team came just outside spawn and… stood there. Derankers? Bots? What do you think?


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ive had this happen alot of times, theyre bots, if its a comp game then be happy because free win

BOT Accounts to derank for sale.

Report the code to Blizzard. And find WyomingMyst and tag them here. The last time I saw one of these posts, they said they needed to be tagged in all of these types of posts because they were conducting research to present to Blizzard.


I figured that may be the case.

After my run-in with MVP Nicole I’d rather die then communicate/help with MVPs with anything again. I even tried to be an MVP at one time but was denied outright so, screw that system and its members. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Not exactly bots, but basically one person is controlling six-game clients at once to slowly move each character to prevent inactivities. Yeah, they are farming XP or prepping accounts for sale and all accounts from that team should be reported.

If you have concerns about any forum member who is a forum mvp, you can send an email to (note do not expect a response from the email but all appropriate email sent to that address will be read by Blizzard).