Ximming is getting out of control
Edit: I also get consistently accused of ximming, its more about the fact people have upwards of 3 seperate smurfs and xim to boost mercy one-tricks. Like i said, im high master and t500 peak and still see it more consistently in diamond than anything else, its still not fair.
In the last few months or so i have personally noticed a high and sudden increase in players using xims to boost other players, and then putting in chat “@‘username’ msg for boost”
I am so sick to death of working hard for my rank (high masters/gm) every season to go on consecutive loss streaks to the most blatant cheaters playing Ashe/Widow/Soldier/Sojourn with a Mercy pocket, and if youre that Mercy, youre also to blame for enabling it.
I just played a game against the least obvious ximmer ive ever seen in my whole life which sparked such a rage in me to even write all this yap out, ive reported many a ximmer and there is enforcement taken because I get the “thank you for reporting” message, but it isnt enough. There isnt enough being done stopping people from making fresh accounts, getting 50 QP wins and boosting their friends while having a xim, and in fact, even without.
Hero quality of life changes and nerfs and buffs are one thing, but the game is so unenjoyable as a competitive player if competitive feels pointless, particularly in high elos because of ximming and cheating. Its demotivating and steering me away from competitive, and the worst part is? Its inescapable because people xim in qp to get their wins, and in custom games. Whats the point in seperating competitive pools if theres nothing in place to prevent Ximming but other popular fps games’ studios have implemented at least something in place to show players they care and are trying to combat cheating,
Call of Duty’s anti-cheat ‘ricochet’ is nothing to write home about as players seem to always find around it, but at least its a concrete built into the game and advertised and is a clear attempt to combat cheating. I love Overwatch, I am genuinely passionate about Overwatch and aspire to play in the PTP, and Im personally passionate about competitive gaming in general and it sucks losing over and over to people cheating so when are Blizzard going to properly crackdown on something that makes alot of players miserable.
The Finals/Embark Studios is a prime example of a smaller studio that has made massive leaps in terms of combating cheating, and the full game has been out for just over a month, banning ximming, mnk use in console lobbies and any other third party hardware and software that gives a player a huge advantage. People are getting banned mid-game for doing it, so whats so hard about applying this to Overwatch.
This isnt fair, its ruining the game, do better.