Cheating on console

Ximming is getting out of control

Edit: I also get consistently accused of ximming, its more about the fact people have upwards of 3 seperate smurfs and xim to boost mercy one-tricks. Like i said, im high master and t500 peak and still see it more consistently in diamond than anything else, its still not fair.

In the last few months or so i have personally noticed a high and sudden increase in players using xims to boost other players, and then putting in chat “@‘username’ msg for boost”

I am so sick to death of working hard for my rank (high masters/gm) every season to go on consecutive loss streaks to the most blatant cheaters playing Ashe/Widow/Soldier/Sojourn with a Mercy pocket, and if youre that Mercy, youre also to blame for enabling it.

I just played a game against the least obvious ximmer ive ever seen in my whole life which sparked such a rage in me to even write all this yap out, ive reported many a ximmer and there is enforcement taken because I get the “thank you for reporting” message, but it isnt enough. There isnt enough being done stopping people from making fresh accounts, getting 50 QP wins and boosting their friends while having a xim, and in fact, even without.

Hero quality of life changes and nerfs and buffs are one thing, but the game is so unenjoyable as a competitive player if competitive feels pointless, particularly in high elos because of ximming and cheating. Its demotivating and steering me away from competitive, and the worst part is? Its inescapable because people xim in qp to get their wins, and in custom games. Whats the point in seperating competitive pools if theres nothing in place to prevent Ximming but other popular fps games’ studios have implemented at least something in place to show players they care and are trying to combat cheating,

Call of Duty’s anti-cheat ‘ricochet’ is nothing to write home about as players seem to always find around it, but at least its a concrete built into the game and advertised and is a clear attempt to combat cheating. I love Overwatch, I am genuinely passionate about Overwatch and aspire to play in the PTP, and Im personally passionate about competitive gaming in general and it sucks losing over and over to people cheating so when are Blizzard going to properly crackdown on something that makes alot of players miserable.

The Finals/Embark Studios is a prime example of a smaller studio that has made massive leaps in terms of combating cheating, and the full game has been out for just over a month, banning ximming, mnk use in console lobbies and any other third party hardware and software that gives a player a huge advantage. People are getting banned mid-game for doing it, so whats so hard about applying this to Overwatch.

This isnt fair, its ruining the game, do better.


I finally get to a good rank and i instantly get into lobbies with people who actively offer boosts in chat while having a xim? How are they not instantly banned for doing that!? How have blizzard not done anything about this as a million dollar company?? i’m so over it, it’s ruining overwatch cause in lower elos especially there is NOTHING we can do to compete especially when their own team enable it.
Something needs to be done or this game is going to get old very fast.
Do better


Noticed this as soon as i made it to high diamond last November. Its been horrible since then. I dont even wanna try for gm, ill just stick to masters😂

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I can see Xim or alike being an issue at the High GM ranks and top 500. As I have personally experienced it.

Ranks below, that are using Xim is still very easy killable due to their bad positioning and more.

I know alot of people want to believe that players using xim is personally holding people back from climbing. However, when or if this gets corrected you may see a temporary shift at the highest levels and a very small shift at the lower levels.

Its not going to change “most” people ranks that are hard stuck. That’s not what is holding people back from ranking up.

What is, is bad positioning, 1v5, tanks out of LOS of heals, flanking supports, target priorities, hard counters, Ult dumping, etc.


I get falsely accused of using a Xim fairly often. Even earlier today I had very toxic enemies (and even a team mate) doing their best to attack me and ruin my OW experience because they apparently cannot identify regular controller users and are sore losers. It’s a compliment in some ways.

People have become weirdly obsessed with others (allegedly) using Xim lately and seem to blame their current rank on them or make out Ximmers are unbeatable or some such. Yeah, Xim devices give people an advantage but you can out play them on a pad, especially in a game like OW.

I’d much rather my team mates didn’t stop to AFK rant in chat or tilt and throw my games because they (sometimes wrongly) think an enemy is using a Xim. Just accept that people have good aim and adjust accordingly.


Sadly there is nothing anyone can do about it. Thats one of the reasons you wont see console and PC in comp playing the same lobbies in a lot of games. Its essentially an undetectable aimbot when stacked with consoles aim assist. You can make OW assist pretty strong by tweaking some settings. Like ive tried this and you literally can essentially get the crosshairs to stick to the target and when using M&K its literally better than some aimbots. I had a dead PC so I was on console for a few months lol. I didnt use a Xim myself but my brother had one laying around my apartment so I plugged it in one day to see how OP is was. Think he used it for FFXI online lol


I see plenty of them too. I don’t think there’s much they can actually do as the game sees controller inputs, be it probably impossible combinations and speed for a human on an actual controller. But still going to be hard to detect and with the risk of false positives probably not worth it.

I always look at it like at least it’s not as bad as PC with literal aim bot and wall hacks, and XIM is nowhere near as bad in OW as other games as you can switch to someone like reaper or Mei, the actual advantage an XIM gives a hitscan on that matchup is minimal.


Ive been accused of it as well, im gm like i said, my point is, there isnt enough being done, and its not that they just use mnk in console lobbies they ALSO have aim assist as if they were on controller, thats why its awful to play against, and it isnt fair lol

Activision are getting there slowly.


I get accused of this almost every time I play. Because of my own personal experience i can’t say people complaining about it actually know it’s happening or not. That being said, that doesnt mean its not a problem. Just that people clearly aren’t able to tell a person with (my aim isn’t even that good) decent aim can just be there without cheating, and still be in a lower rank like plat

at least theyre actually making a effort and advertising said effort

Didn’t believe in them at all til last night enemy team called out our hanzo (btw he was ok, not decent like an overall Smurf cause he was one) after the game finished I watched the replay and oh yes it was so obvious, specially when he used to re adjust mouse im the center or pad
Of course o reported him

No action has been taking against ximming in the finals. They removed aim assist from rewasd, which was a software program that allowed you to use mnk through controller input(like xim but not hardware).

Until blizzard and Embark add native mnk to their games they will still have huge issues with those devices.

Ive been hoping blizzard will for years but they won’t. Embark is an amazing dev team tho so I hope they’ll be adding it soon.

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I think one way that could seriously help this out is having MnK on console.

A lot of people prefer MnK over controllers and not everyone has a gaming PC.

Obviously you would have to separate MnK from controller lobbies. MnK vs MnK (PC and console that chooses MnK input) and Controller vs Controller lobbies.

I know some people will say you’re splitting up the player base but it’s still better then given MnK players an advantage against controller.

Giving players more options to enjoy the game isnt a bad thing.

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It still shouldn’t be ignored. Ximming has been an issue since overwatch 1 and it’s still a consistent issue. I’m gm1-5 on all roles and regardless probably every 3 games or so there’s some pocket hitscan that’s obviously smurfing or ximming or both which both makes the game repetitive and unenjoyable as well as endorsing boosting

Considering almost every map has some high ground advantage coupled with a mercy pocket there’s little you can do with a controller against a ximmer even with solid skill. I’m by no means some godsend on 76 or Cree but I can play them around a high gm level but even I’ll get stomped by a ximmer with bare minimum positioning so long as they have a mercy. Which I could also argue is more so a problem with mercy but having a mouse definitely helps

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The ximmers in low Gm 1 and under that have the mechics similar to the controller players there. Having a xim does not make them better while keeping them in lower GM.

You’re most likely vsing higher ranked controller/Mnk players on alts rather than actual GM 4-1 Ximmers if they’re consistantly out mechanicing you.

This isn’t ignoring the problem. This would help out with the issue.

Will it correct it all the way, no. It will help cut down however. The goal is to reduce as much as possible cheats or overall advantages thats abusing the system.

The moment they address the Ximing, Xim will find a way to avoid detection. In fact a quick search about the new cod anti ximing shows a workaround already. How much time and resources did COD put towards that just for it to be vulnerable so quickly?

Unfortunately, It will always be a cat and mouse game.

…expose the Direct Memory Access PCI-E Boards and the Streamer VIP slot based hacks that cost 1.3 k USD per month and require a second computer to run. :joy::joy: Go full rouge and expose it all, I dare someone​:joy: I don’t wanna drop names because it’s gets so deep it could be real life consequences due to the amount of Money in play. This thread will probably disappear. P.S The 90’s Early 2000’s were the Golden Years now it’s all Money Driven Corrupted No Integrity in all the FPS Communities

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shieldwrld brady scarlet and frostbxrn smurfs go crazy i aint gonna lie