Cheaters ruining EVERY game

I literally can’t play competitive right now. Every time I go to a game the enemy has at least one guy blatantly cheating. I never had this issue before and I have played for 4 seasons. A couple of weeks ago I played insanely well 3 games in a row. Ever since that, I haven’t been able to play comp because my lobbies get filled with cheaters.
People have defiantly reported me saying that I’m cheating. The only explanation I can think of is that I have been reported for cheats so many times that now I’m queuing against people who also have been reported for cheats. Comp is literally unplayable for me right now I really don’t want to make a new account.

So here are some codes

These like 5 of the 10 games I played yesterday. I think it’s pretty clear. Tell me your thoughts maybe I am just delusional.

Roadhod definently hitting those right clicks pretty damn well

Mrtea clearly cheating holycow suspicious

Cant say for sure for this one but Joebidens genji aim is damn good

not too sure but hinata was low level acc hitting some shots

Chinese name roadhod

And yes every game might be a overthrow but definitely like 1/3 someone is pretty clearly cheating
And it has been consistent like this for about a month


Blizz says cheating isn’t punishable


There is no way that you constantly meet cheaters in Diamond. I play at 3900 and have only met a couple of cheaters during my whole time in Overwatch.

I am suspecting you just shout cheater the moment someone kills you.

If you want to prove me otherwise record some of these cheaters and post the youtube link here.


They yell cheater the moment a random Hanzo arrow hits them while getting out of spawn or walking in a straight line.

People think that respawning or getting out of spawn gives them some kind of immunity to kills :smiley:

I am having that right now :smiley: I like to think that I am so much better, but lo and behold :smiley:


?? what


It does not do this, if you are actually getting cheaters in your game its just unlucky. Can you post replay codes of these cheaters? If it’s really that obvious they will get banned and you get refunded SR, if it’s not so obvious then they could just be smurfs or having a good game, no way to know unless you send replays.

I’ve definitely seen a few cheaters myself recently, but EVERY GAME would be incredibly unlucky


So here are some codes

These like 5 of the 10 games I played yesterday. I think it’s pretty clear. Tell me your thoughts maybe I am just delusional.

Roadhod definently hitting those right clicks pretty damn well

Mrtea clearly cheating holycow suspicious

Cant say for sure for this one but Joebidens genji aim is damn good

not too sure but hinata was low level acc hitting some shots

Chinese name roadhod


Cheaters are usually pretty obvious. Two mornings ago, there was a suspicious Soldier76, coming around corners with xhair already on you, middle hitbox. And no, it wasn’t a Widow ult or a Hanzo wolf mark, because the other DPS was junkrat.
Anyway, I had planned to view the replay, but didn’t have to. He got PoG, and you can see the xhair locked on to the middle of the hitbox, even when he is behind his own team with zero visibility of what he is shooting at! Most cheaters aren’t very subtle. You would think they would turn it off/on to prevent suspicion, but no, xhair locked to middle hitbox, round corners, behind teammates, behind walls.

And then there was a game where a teammate was haccused, so I viewed the replay, and he was just having a good game, and maybe grouped up with an Ana who pocketed and Nano’d him twice.

It’s always hardest to tell with Hanzo’s, since Hanzo seems to have magical aim anyway (bug or buff, not sure). Usually with Hanzo it’s a smurf. It’s amazing how overpowered some of the DPS are when there is a large skill difference. Hanzo, Doomfist and Tracer are probably the worst for smurfs against scrubs.

in plat im getting a blatant noob style cheater in roughly one in five games. lately its got significantly worse.

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I feel like this quote explains the answer to your post. Unless you’re cheating, if that’s the case then you’re hypocritical.

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In plat you’re more likely to have an aim god with poor awareness rather than an actual cheater.


Read what i wrote. Honestly half of you dont even know what a hack looks like. And if you cant pick out a cheater going full rage mode then idk.


You realize that diamond players have called me a blatant aimbotter? you realize that T500 players accuse each other of cheating when they’re not? I don’t trust anyones opinion on something unless they send a replay code of it and they are blatantly hacking. Especially plat players because they jump to conclusions like no other rank does.


I really dont care who did what to you, im not speaking on people who might be in doubt of cheating, im talking full blown rage mode cheats. The kind nobody on either team doubts.

Cheaters are pretty easy to spot. Well, if you understand the difference between algorithms and humans they are.

First, following middle hit-box behind walls, or behind teammates (when you don’t have LOS) is a pretty obvious giveaway.

Second, the algorithm has to lock to something. You can introduce variance and randomness, but so few cheat algos actually do it. I’ve written auto-aim code for other games myself (educational only, I always told people on community servers that I was testing the auto-aim, and never used it without consent).

It is surprisingly hard to introduce enough variance/error to make the auto-aim hard to detect, but still make it good enough to be useful (and to defeat algorithmic detection, which is increasingly the bigger challenge.)

I tried randomising movement, or randomizing misses, but that actually makes the auto-aim worse than someone with very good aim, because it’s more important to hit the right shot at the right time than to have good aim on average.

So the short of it is, I can usually spot the auto-aimers and the wall hackers. Auto-triggers are harder, but there are giveaways to that as well. I think that the best bet is just to report anyone suspicious, because the easiest way to spot cheating now is through statistics.

Humans have much higher variance than algorithms, because they make mistakes, have good days and bad days, play differently in different environments, against different types of players etc. I suspect now that we are in the machine learning age, with deep neural networks, there will be cheat hacks developed that mimic the best human players and are almost completely undetectable.

chances are people mistake smurfs for cheaters. the outcome is the same, but smurfs don‘t use third party apps or aimbots. they just exploit the matchmaking system.


Oh nice. you and your 1 year experience in FPS shooters surely makes up for your perfect sense of detecting cheaters and smurfs. Exactly this pathetic, wannabe professional attitude is what got multiplayer gaming to this point.

But hey, enjoy your cheater, boosted, smurf and leaver infested… “game”. I bet you have also fun getting steamrolled and roflstomped every single match and end your day with the sentence “Oh yeah! I had fun”. Ignorance at its finest.

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you mean you had a spinbotter on the enemy team


That’s actually pretty cool that you developed your own thing. I’m just saying personally I don’t trust a lot of people who cry cheater because they were hit by a few lucky shots. I know how to look for cheats, I’m just saying that you’re not going to get a cheater like 5/10 games, if you “do” then you probably don’t know how to look for cheaters you’re probably just salty. The amount of times I’ve been reported for it (i’m awful mechanically) just makes me doubt other players ability to find them.


It was for an open source game years and years ago. And it’s depressingly easy to do. However, because of the limitations I described, it’s also possible to develop anti-cheats to detect it.

And I agree with you about people crying cheat. I recently reviewed some games were there were accusations of cheating by one of my team mates and concluded that they were having a good game, and were grouped up with someone complimentary. e.g. one game Reaper was being both pocketed and nano’d by an Ana. There were no visible or audible comms between the two for the team, so I assumed they were communicating on group chat.

Having said that, the best way to catch cheaters is statistically. Accuracy, K/D, DPS all have different means and standard deviations for humans and robots. The only way this wouldn’t vary would be in a new account without stats for the human player, and then it would be very suspicious that a brand new player was hitting the middle of the hitbox 99% of the time.

As for frequency, these things seem to come in waves. I would say that 1 in 10 games in Bronze have had someone cheating in the first week of season 28. Not sure if that’s a start-of-season phenomenon, or whether I’ve just been more vigilant recently, but it’s definitely noticeable. The psychology of cheating is interesting to me, there is a risk-to-reward trade off with all kinds of cheating. I’d be surprised if there is a long term payoff for cheating, it would be easier to spot as you climbed in rank, and there is probably more visibility by the support team at Blizzard on GM games than in any other rank.