Cheater, Hacker, Smurff, afker bot & Spy

Replay Code: MDYDAM

  • Cowboy.
  • Robot.
  • Space Ace.

This is from a really gross match of Overwatch: Tank that dodges the AFK timer, a couple of hitscan players that clearly can see through walls and pop heads at all times.

Its time to start charging money for this game again. 50 dollars per account.

We need accountability in this game.

Otherwise ditch the leaver penalties in quickplay so we can move on to other matches and leaver people like this to play the game on their own.

Play nice, Play fair or be left to play by yourself. Its time to bring power back to the community. Not to people whom are refusing to enforce game policy actively during matches.

If there is no active oversight of a match, than there is no reason for crowd control in a match because the only people that win this match are those that chose to cheat people out of their time and because they refuse to play on an equal playing field.

You can’t even leave at the hero selection screen anymore after somebody already picked your favorite.

But that’s not as bad as having to play a map or mode I don’t like. (Clash)

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