Chat bans getting out of hand

Honestly it’s just getting ridiculous.

You can hate on me all you want, but if I win, I say GG. Cause it was GG for me.
If I lose, I say BG, cause it was BG for me. Simple, no?

Most other people say GR or GG frequently as BM.
So what’s wrong with saying BG?

Second time I get suspended.
Is overwatch to be played as either a lunatic that’s fake positive 99% of the time, or with VC & chats disabled 24/7?

This is just getting silly.

Everything truly got worse as soon as Jeff left.

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Most things are in a bad place because of Jeff and Aaron needs to fix a lot of things he messed up.

Anything negative if forbidden, it seems like. Its crazy and I would strongly recommend muting at least the match chat. People get their feelings hurt a lot of times.

I could never report someone for saying BG lol. I’ve said “no, bg” in response to “gg” before

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Getting your feelings hurt for BG is one thing, but reporting and getting suspended for it is just crazy tbh.

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I 100% agree with you here, its stupid, but it seems like they want it to make it even more strict. Be careful is all I can say.

It just sucks cause I don’t wanna be fake, and I’m forced to mute all chats so I don’t get suspended. I’m not even toxic. But I’m also not the type of person to say “hey good job guys, great job team!! lets do this!!”.

I have literally gotten report notifications for reporting people that said “gg”. I get salty if I get suspended so I do the same to others.

Vicious circle.

The problem is that “the receiver always decides the meaning of the message” and that something that is not toxic for 99% of people can trigger the 1% of people and those will report you and lead to a suspension. Its infuriating.

I don’t see how having a bad game is offensive to someone else who had a good game, the players in this game are either too soft to be playing shooters or need to get back on their meds.

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You write gg in a match in which you won, but for the opponent it is not gg. This means that you do not think that the opponent at least tried to fight back, which is toxic. Exactly the opposite, if you write bg in a match in which you lost, then you thereby say that your allies did not try, although perhaps they did everything possible, which is also toxic behavior. For this you will get a ban. If you can not communicate normally, then just turn off the chat. Or go to the ban where you belong.

But others also say GG as BM.

If people only say GG when they win, what’s the problem with me saying BG when I lose? In GM the player base is small and I see the same people all the time, almost none of them say GG when they lose.

So what’s the issue? :slight_smile:

If that is truly the reason you got a chat ban, which I’m not totally convinced. How about just not typing it? Would any1 in the match even care to see someone on the losing team say it was a bad game? I don’t see the purpose of saying it in the first place.

Probably because not all games are equal. If you steamrolled the enemy and farmed them on respawn and then wrote gg, then welcome to the ban.

Then people shouldn’t say GG either, simple as that.

It’s probably seen as poor sportsmanship, and I don’t think it’s much of a stretch to see it as falling under “inappropriate communication”.

I guess I’ll just keep reporting everyone that says GR or GG as BM then, keep the cycle going.

Imo saying gg is fine as long as it’s not said in an absolute stomp, where it clearly wasn’t a good game at all. Tho I would never report for it, just like I wouldn’t for saying bad game. But still saying bad game adds nothing of value to any1, and if you’re getting reported for it, maybe it’s best to just stop.

i swear at my teammates in a drunken rage most games yet i haven’t been chat banned yet

The bans ARE in someones hands, OP!

Theyve put your account in the hands of the 13 year olds we go up against!

Your judge, jury, and executioner for this evening… the honourable Lil Timmy presides.

Imagine thinking the people responsible for this, would be able to take critiscism and fix it.

They bury their head in the sand and pretend they are always right. BLIZZARD is a joke. Its pretty much got worse under Microsoft, the failures of gaming.

If CoD banned like OW, they wouldnt have a playerbase… and Blizzard has done nothing but decrease theirs with their draconian BS.

When people get a warning for typing a “Thats what she said” joke, you know there is a huge problem rotting Blizzard from the inside.

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