Characters like junkrat should never be allowed to be viable in high level play

These are the dead easy characters of overwatch, and honestly, they deserve to only be viable in low ranked play (bronze - diamond.) For some reason, I’ve been seeing them in my MASTERS/GRANDMASTER games recently, and this is quite unacceptable. Nerfs need to happen. You can’t have these heroes in a high level environment where skill is necessary, and then you just have one or two heroes which are like haha i hold m1 and hope people walk into them. Really kills the competitive integrity of a skill based game. Either ban them out of 3500+ sr games completely or nerf them to the point where they can only be good against bronze players.


You got killed by Junkrat and got angry :(?

Here have a cookie :cookie:


Play a character that counters Junk. Pharah eats him alive.


“My hero should be objectively more powerful and more consistent at winning than your hero. I’ll also claim that my hero is more difficult and refuse to acknowledge that these positions are contradictory.”



I don’t necessarily think Junkrat is skilless by design, he’s just spammy because his projectiles can be difficult to aim. His niche is area denial tho, so there’s really no good reason for him to “not be viable” for area denial at any rank just because he’s perceived as being “not skillful to play.”


All characters should be viable at all levels of play.
Sorry that you suck so bad that junkrat is such a huge issue for you but alas that is outside of what Blizzard can control.


I think you need to go back to the blackboard of ‘how to assess characters in Overwatch’ if you think that any of them should only be viable in low ranking play.

And if you’re getting taken out easily by Junkrat right now, when his primary fire is teeny tiny and regularly doesn’t even register contact when it should with hitboxes due to ping? Then you are not really meant for the high ranks, because you can basically not die to Junkrat if you want to.

Problem is that you have to keep in mind what he can do and then not be there, so it requires YOU to do something, rather than just… Exist and magically not die when he shoots you. Y’know, that weird thing that separates out levels of players? What’s it called… Skill?

I’m not really big on the Matchmaker right now but anyone who is consistently dying to Junkrat or Sym or any of these F tier characters is baffling to me. They give me no problems in my super average games; why are they troubling you in these higher level games? I really doubt it’s that their kit is just ‘that OP’, because if that was the case, they’d be dominating lower ranks, too.

I’d put my money on you just not wanting to put in the effort of figuring out how to not die to Junkrat.


stop dashing into traps


Nothing to see here people, just a salty sigma one trick, making judgements on other heroes he doesn’t play, move along.


I mean genji just presses shift and right click a lot. Even before the buffs.


Is that you, Doomfist?

Just another "only hitscan guns are allowed in high rank games :disappointed_relieved: " topic

nothing to see here…


“Junkrat with 7x less pickrate than Genji is too stronk in GM”


As a GM tank player Junkrat is absolute trash right now.

Just because a hero is picked doesn’t make them OP.

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People that can’t work around one of the easiest heroes to avoid shouldn’t be allowed in high level play.


Spoke like a true Sigma abuser. You are literally gold in dps and bronze in support, dont take the high road of being a very skilled player. If you actually played Junk or have seen a good Junk player you would know he is one of the highest skillcap dps, especially with his hard to hit long range 200 dmg combo and slow nades. Not to mention different mine jumps, like side mine and jump+side mine for tons of mobility at the cost of using up your combo tool. You want to talk about a dead easy character why dont you mention your onetrick, Sigma, who has been the best tank in the game for ages now.

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Well I can tell you one thing, the severe discrepancy in your rankings either means you hard threw on support or you have ZERO survival instincts and was subsequently carried by your teammates constantly to get diamond on tank. No surprise you don’t know how to deal with a Junkrat which is shocking since you main Sigma.

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These thread always make 0 sense.

You complain that someone else is playing an easier character than you, and that they deserve to be garbage because you’re character is more skillful

But if your “skillful” character is objectively better than them then they are no longer skillful

You are literally complaining that the game is too hard for you. If you cant handle who other people are playing, then S W I T C H.

Maybe you should just idk do better


Switch off your one trick and counter him. Oh wait, you have no skill on any other hero