Changing Mecree's Name Over Real Life Problems

Don’t Just Don’t it literally is the dumbest thing to mix real life with are video games and ruin a perfectly good character


Naming him Jesse McCree in the first place was mixing real life with video games.

If you agree that was a dumb decision - good news, they’re fixing it :wink:

No-one else tell OP about all the real-life analogies in the Overwatch lore :slight_smile:


They chose to mix real life with video games by naming characters and locations in their games after their employees…

^ What they said.


Here we go the sarcasm crew instead of answering in that way how about we be adults and discuss this in a mature way but i forget the audience this fourm brings.


Ok, how about this then:

As my previous post demonstrated (in a fairly tongue-in-cheek way), real-life has been interwoven into Overwatch for years. The Overwatch lore is literally about slavery and civil rights (but with robots). Why are you so surprised at the real-life effects on the game now?


I just wish they would make real changes, instead of all this virtue signaling bs. Changing a hero’s name doesn’t do jack sh!t to help all the harassed employees.


You’re acting like the name-change is the only thing that has happened. That simply isn’t true.

In reality, most of the changes because of this lawsuit probably won’t be super-visible externally. This is about the way Blizzard operates internally. The name-change just happens to be a highly-visible external change.


So many great games are destroyed over real life drama rather then mixing the two we should be humane and realize the game is fictional not life , but we as a society easily associated every bad thing and lump it together i can’t see a better name for mecree then what we have.


Problem is, Jesse McCree is a real person that interacted with real people and had real impacts on their lives. Obviously he’s not a cowbow that especially enjoys midday, but he exists all the same.


No. The dumbest thing is actually naming him after real life person.


Its a common name so thats not a valid point

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The name alone is not the problem. The problem is who you are naming it after.


This is OW, we declare everyone guilty until proven otherwise.

And no room for redemption, OW’s justice is absolute.


Amazing how people cant tell the difference between real life and a video game character…No wonder theres “do not eat” on tide pods.


Everything Blizzard has said about the name has tied it specifically to their employee.

The world of Overwatch is fiction, but the people who work on it are real, and those people (according to the community manager comments on this forum) are among the foremost beneficiaries of the change.

  1. They aren’t ruining the character.

  2. They probably want to distance themselves from the horrible things that happened.


I think it depends on how they implement it.

If they do something like Robin —> Nightwing where Mccree goes through something and takes on a new name, that’ll be fine and make sense without being too ridiculous.

But if they just change his name and expect people to roll with it THAT’s when it’ll be an issue. Because you can’t just pretend like he was never Mccree. There are books and what not where he has been Mccree. I think cinematics where he has been referred to as such, too.

You can’t pretend like the past doesn’t exist. So, IMO, they need to have a story reason why he’s dropping the name Mcree and becoming something else.


I mean they have mentioned that they are not changing any previous media-cinematics, comics, novels.

It’s just going forward it’s changing. So it could be the Robin-Nightwing thing or something like that.

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If changing a name ‘ruins’ a character then the character isn’t very well made in the first place.

Or you’re just looking for something to be upset about.


and what amount of people associated this person or even knew of this fact and then thought that the FICTIONAL character mcCree had literally anything to do, personality wise with the person who he got his name from.

These people always care more about signalling to other self proclaimed good people about how good they are than actually doing something good.