Changes to Widow and Hanzo so they rely less on one shots

Thats just one more hero you can play for now, you’ll also prolly get bored of picking Sombra or Mirroring every time, also if you’re not on DPS its kinda crazy out of your hands when the Widows are just dueling…

Thats true, but its mostly on opinions i’ve had for a while, you’re going to find difficult for me to budge on that, i did at least give that i’m likely wrong on the ways to change her though.

But yeah, if neither of us are going to budge, theres nothing to do but to agree to disagree and wish you a good rest of your day/night.

So coubter play is fine. Unless it’s with these three heroes? Because again tank counter play is the biggest counter play issue in the game right now. Removing widow doesn’t make it so reaper doesn’t eat Winston alive.

If it’s possible, clearly announced so the opponent can react to it, and had a wide variety of Fun and worthwhile counterplay options.

The problem is, Snipers don’t have that.

And if you can’t fix it, then you just make it exist less.

Now i’ll disagree with you a bit there, not every thing has to be clearly announced, sometimes, its more fun when stuff requires you to have a notion and predict things, very much true in any FPS, you cant react to getting shot at by alot of things, you’re just going to have the pre-notion to be on cover before you’re shot, or shoot them b4.

If everything is screamed at you and has a big tell, it kinda just becomes a game of reactions, now of course theres a healthy amount of tell things should have and snipers mostly rely on being as sneaky as possible to not give you that tell, wich is kind of the whole point of the role, it just gotta be fairly possible to have enough counterplay to said sniper positions.

Well yeah, but that’s usually in Tactical Shooters with near-instakill assault rifles, or games where a player isn’t instantly killed and can crawl to safety and get rezzed by any teammate.

Overwatch shouldn’t be limited to being played like a Tactical Shooter when 93% of the heroes don’t have Tactical Shooter killspeeds. And it doesn’t have near-instakill assault rifles, or crawl+universal Rez.

Its not just on shooters, most PVP games really, fighting games as well for example, you cant react to close ranged attacks either, or well spaced fast enough moves, theres a healthy amount of tell to balance out things, else things just kinda gets too easily dealt with.

And OW has enough of a shooter and PVP DNA for the logic to apply.

I disagree with your fighting game example. Because in close range, the opponent knows you are engaged in a fight with them, and is fully expecting close range attacks.

They just need to know they are engaged with a specific opponent, and have a general sense of possible attacks they gotta deal with.

Also, the opponent also has a near equal amount of risk. So the Risk vs Reward is balanced out.

Expecting, but not reactable, there of course is a healthy tell, where you usually should be able to tell when they are on range so you put ur guard up but even then, there are holes on the guard, you can still get hit by things you shouldnt be blocking, grabs or what not.

Thats my point, things sometimes just shouldnt have such a clear tell so you cant just react to everything, it then becomes kind of like modern Chess, where computers just basically always draw out since they can react to every move.

Do I need to repeat that this is a commercial product sold by a capitalist corporation with the goal of making a profit.

And not a system of government for fictional videogame characters?

More happy players, translating to more dollars is the bottom line. Period.

But you’re trying to make this into some bizarre civil rights issue.

As if it’s somehow mandatory that Sniper character must have above average pickrates out of 18 character choices. And not doing so is a violation of their human rights.

Let’s use a TF2 Dev quote, specifically about the Sniper. The character that Widow and Hanzo are directly based off of:

" When we started working on TF2, 22 years ago, we decided to examine the things that affected how players felt about their deaths in TFC. Our starting theory was that, for death to be a positive experience, players had to feel like they could have avoided dying if they’d done something different. We found two factors that seemed to be important in light of that theory:" “The first was whether or not you understand what killed you. If you don’t know what killed you, that death is failing in providing you the feedback it’s supposed to, and you won’t be able to figure out what you could have done differently.” "The second was whether you felt you were actually engaged with the person who killed you. Dying to someone you weren’t engaged with, especially when you were already engaged with someone else, was aggravating. Even worse was dying to someone who you couldn’t have engaged with, even if you chose to. “Unsurprisingly, we saw that these deaths were highly aggravating to players, and in sufficient number caused new players to stop playing entirely.”

If you aren’t given the opportunity to react. Then it’s bad counterplay. Even if that reaction is a “read” where you guess how to react. But a “read” is still a reaction.

Agravating yes, but i think a counter-point to that is that its a necessary evil, sometimes you should be taken by surprise, some amount of chaos makes things more exciting, but of course i also think theres a healthy amount of tell things should kind of have since its still a game in the end, things like knowing they even have a Widowmaker for example.

And if they have a sniper you should be able to read where they might be, though sometimes you’ll be wrong, problem i really have is that, even if you do read them right on some maps, it doesnt matter.

Why is it necessary?

An unnecessary evil, is just evil.

As i said, if things have too much tell, it starts to become a solved game like Chess, where things just become too much of a stand still.

Well that’s unavoidable, regardless of how they balance the game. Metas will always exist.

There’s 18 different DPS heroes, so I find it really difficult to believe that if Snipers get nerfed, that something else won’t fill the gap.

Not meta, i’m talking about how a game of Chess played by the strongest computers, they can always react and solve the best move, so it basically always ends in a draw.

If for an OW example everyone had wall-hacks and you could just dodge alot of the threat coming your way, people would just never peak on the wrong times or what not, so theres gotta be some chaos, some element of surprise and thats kind of the biggest strength of snipers.

That literally is a meta. It’s just a meta with very limited choices.

And I don’t think nerfing snipers would narrow down gameplay choices.

If anything, it would increase valid+fun DPS/Tank choices.

Most of which just gets pidgeonholed down to.

  1. Can deal with Snipers
  2. Can deal with Pharah
  3. Can deal with Antinade

But yeah, if you ignore graphics, audio, and physical interaction.

Then “Games” are almost entirely about Choice Design. Literally “Game Theory”.

Doesnt matter that its meta or not, the point is that the game is solved and becomes dull.

If you could always tell the Widow/Hanzo is scoped/looking at you you would never peak at them at the wrong time.

Now, the issue at hand is a bit more delicate than Chess being solved by super computers, they have to still mantain some ability to suprise you and get you to peak them, but have it so its more fair on more occasions and maps, currently snipers are only strong on the so called sniper maps and otherwise are basically throwing.

I think thats the bigger problem there, not just the fact that if you peak into a sniper unknowingly you are usually dead, thats kinda the point of them and you cant really change that, nor i would argue, should they change that specifically all that much.

But what if snipers are popular heroes played my a large group? By your logic snipers need to remain in game and strong because of the popularity of choosing snipers.

I don’t see the value in onesided counterplay.

This is still going on lol

You guys just cant accept a difference of opinion and never move no matter what is said either.

Its a matter of opinion over what you just personally want for the game. Learn to leave it at that rather than argue forever for no reason