Changes to Widow and Hanzo so they rely less on one shots

Yes, the main overall design constraint (assuming the devs are factoring in high ELO) the devs have is if the meta compositions get too durable/flimsy, as it relates to teamfight durations. There’s a bunch of ways to fix that. For example:

  • Lower Tank health
  • Lower Tank Healing Received
  • Convert Tank Armor into HP
  • Lower the effectivenes of Tank/DPS defensive/escape/sustain abilities
  • Raise the cooldown of Tank/DPS defensive/escape/sustain abilities
  • Buff Support Firepower
  • If the above doesn’t work, Lower some of the heals on Ana/Bap/Moira
  • Reduced amounts of OverTime
  • Also they could offset reduced mid-combat heals, by giving everybody an out-of-combat regen passive and/or out-of-combat healing-received boost

It’s really not that big a deal.

For example, here’s some fixes for Suzu, Rez, and Lamp.

Fixing how it feels against "Problem Heroes"

  • Suzu: All instances of damage above 30 damage are reduced to 30 damage
  • Lamp: All instances of damage above 75 damage, are reduced to 75 damage
  • Rez: Basically Lifeline Rez from Apex

Additionally, I really doubt the devs would go removing the oneshot anyways. If it were up to me out would look more like this.


Primary Fire:

  • Reduced headshot damage at long range, to the point it doesn’t oneshot

Storm Arrow:

  • 50 damage each
  • 3 total arrows


  • 2x charges of Lunge (or 225hp)



  • Lower cooldown, by some large fraction (alternatively, 200hp)
  • Breaks if Widow takes 15 damage while using grapple
  • Doesn’t gain momentum during the first half second of pull.