Yes, the main overall design constraint (assuming the devs are factoring in high ELO) the devs have is if the meta compositions get too durable/flimsy, as it relates to teamfight durations. There’s a bunch of ways to fix that. For example:
- Lower Tank health
- Lower Tank Healing Received
- Convert Tank Armor into HP
- Lower the effectivenes of Tank/DPS defensive/escape/sustain abilities
- Raise the cooldown of Tank/DPS defensive/escape/sustain abilities
- Buff Support Firepower
- If the above doesn’t work, Lower some of the heals on Ana/Bap/Moira
- Reduced amounts of OverTime
- Also they could offset reduced mid-combat heals, by giving everybody an out-of-combat regen passive and/or out-of-combat healing-received boost
It’s really not that big a deal.
For example, here’s some fixes for Suzu, Rez, and Lamp.
Fixing how it feels against "Problem Heroes"
- Suzu: All instances of damage above 30 damage are reduced to 30 damage
- Lamp: All instances of damage above 75 damage, are reduced to 75 damage
- Rez: Basically Lifeline Rez from Apex
Additionally, I really doubt the devs would go removing the oneshot anyways. If it were up to me out would look more like this.
Primary Fire:
- Reduced headshot damage at long range, to the point it doesn’t oneshot
Storm Arrow:
- 50 damage each
- 3 total arrows
- 2x charges of Lunge (or 225hp)
- Lower cooldown, by some large fraction (alternatively, 200hp)
- Breaks if Widow takes 15 damage while using grapple
- Doesn’t gain momentum during the first half second of pull.