After playing quite a bit of Mercy 2.0, and reading several books worth of Mercy Mains posts on here, I’ve decided to come forward with a proposition of my own.
First up, Mercy’s Ultimate. While I really love flying around the map and bringing to life my Battle Mercy fantasy, as a supportive ultimate Valkyrie is kinda bland. Now I am not saying that Valkyrie is a bad ultimate, but when you compare it to Resurrect, it’s not near as satisfying to use. I personally would love to see Resurrect return to Ultimate status with some changes.
There would almost definitely need to be a Line-of-Sight restriction on it to help prevent Hide-and-Rez, as well as making the cast time longer than before. I don’t think that Mercy should regain her invulnerability, but instead receive a CC immunity. These modifications will allow for Mercy to still keep a small bit of the skill on ult casts that her players loved, but not so much that it feels like a slap in the face of the opposing team.
I know this is a pretty much a meme at this point, but I do think that Valkyrie would be awesome as an E ability. It should grant Mercy about 6 seconds of flight, enhance Guardian Angel from 20 m/s to 25/ms (the current enhancement is 30 m/s) and increase Mercy’s
Caduceus Staff on about a 20 second cooldown. Instead of chain healing/boosting this change will simply enhance the amount of healing from 50hps to 70hps and enhance the boost from 30% to 35%. These changes allow for Mercy to increase her teamfight potential without making Valk feel like a discount Transcendence/portable Supercharger, add a bit of depth with the unlimited flight, and it will still fulfill the Devs image of Mercy as the go-to single-target healer
When it comes down it, I want Mercy to be in a state that is liked and enjoyed by not the OG Mercy mains, but those who love Mercy 2.0, and most importantly, those who have to play against Mercy. Have a great day everyone! (Especially you, Devs. You do your best to keep everyone happy :))