Change McCree name back

Nah i think its about christians, theyre known to do that :smiley:

Well that just proves it, since basic biology wont even touch on the same subjects on the same level xD

Sounds like trying to raise a republican more than anything to be honest

Considering how much crying, paranoia, and other negative things are attached to the church, i doubt.
the amount of fear they throw on their own people is insane

So instead of just transphobic, youre just generally a sad person, got it.
wasnt trying to have a go at you but go off ig, Transitioning also gives people a meaning, to finish it, the end result is them being happy from it.

90% of people in general ive met are all lazy bums and or mentally unhinged, people in general nowadays have a tendency for that, the fact that youre arguing over things like this online prove youre a part of that statistic as well

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You are a sad, strange little man.


Just call him McCree like the rest of us who donā€™t mix real life with a video game

No ones stopping u

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so youā€™re bi with extra steps?

itā€™s a stereotype that arabic people throw rocks at women and hang gays

yeah it proves my point of a human physically and mentally not being able to become the opposite gender

actually interestingly when i read the study proving actively religious people are more likely to be happy it said that morally there is little to no difference between a republican and a democrat

studies show you are wrong

iā€™m sad bc?

not really there is no end cause they legit cannot transition they donā€™t have the proper chromosomes to become a woman (if biologically male) or male (if biologically female) on top of that they cannot feel what a woman feels either both outside and inside as they also lack a womb

i was trying to tell you iā€™m not bothered by what you say as i do the same

if this were to be true i would just not talk to you at all and give up i would say i have too much free time on my hand i also applied for a job waiting for them to respond and the thing is i donā€™t really have the need to apply for a job cause 1st iā€™m still quite young and 2 iā€™m financially stable as i have both my mom and dad

Then why have I seen so many violent, controling Christians attack people???

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your opinion/experience isnā€™t nearly enough to generalize letā€™s see 31.5 OF THE WORLD so around 2 billion people

Also doesnā€™t help that most Christians donā€™t follow their own damn Bible. Legit they are not allowed to judge people who are not other Christians. Paul literally ridicules a church for this. A good portion of Christians use Christianity as a shield to do bad things. Very few are generally good people.

This is true about humanity too.

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Chromosomes donā€™t determine anything tho, itā€™s a combination of factors.

So do some cis women, doesnā€™t automatically make them not women. Wombs donā€™t make someone female

Thatā€™s simply not true
As I trans man, I can attest that literally nothing you said is even remotely close to reality


Ehh it looks like another imbecile troll who wants to debate yet probably doesnā€™t even grasp fundamentals like the difference between sex and gender. Not much you can do. Some people actually want to remain stupid.

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It didnā€™t. They named the character after the man. It was well publicized, documented, known and talked about. Even the design team wanted to change the name and PUSHED for it. You ā€˜believingā€™ something is different than what it is wonā€™t make the earth flat or Trump the ā€˜real presidentā€™ any more than me believing hard enough that Iā€™m Catherine the Great; you donā€™t get to just believe things into existence.

Heā€™s named after an abuser. Either defend that or donā€™t, but donā€™t act like heā€™s not and just decide that your ā€˜beliefā€™ trumps reality. It doesnā€™t.

This got very derailed so let me be clear:

Calling someone a sexual harasser/abuser with no proof makes you not a good person.

You can agree on Team4 changing the name to escape the drama surrounding the lawsuit without needing to throw a person under a bus without any proof.

Good day.

Well the replies in this thread managed to include almost all of the stereotypically common American social issues. Impressive.

On topic: Who cares what the heroes name is. Call him whatever you want, nobody cares.

The entire thing isnā€™t about ā€œingameā€. It has NOTHING to do with us as players or even the enshrinement of a vile degenerate.

The main consideration is for the people who worked at the studio. Having to constantly be reminded of a terrible person they worked for.

It isnā€™t about us and as such we should have no say in it. His name is now Cassidy. We need to get past the superficial and look at the people this genuinely impacts.

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This is the kind of stuff I was talking about on my previous post.

Please explain how heā€™s a vile degenerate.

Sexual Harassment is pretty vile.

Riddle me this. Why would they open themselves up to FURTHER lawsuit by implying it was true by changing Cassidyā€™s name? A slander lawsuit would be pretty open and shut on that if not an expensive ordeal at the very least. Not to mention further tinder to stoke the fires of the existing suits.

Sorry, I am not buying it as just a PR move. Not with all the other incidents lined up in a row. Culture of a company often comes from people near the top. If it smells like poo, it likely is poo.


-Itā€™s not a defamation to change a character name.

-Blizzard hasnā€™t offered a single reason other that ā€œwhat the game characters stand forā€. Not a single person has defamed the dev other than people like, well, you.

-People have made the parallel of turning Jesse Mccree into the same kind of character -Afrasiabi was WITHIN the company.

-He hasnā€™t formally been accused by anyone, nor appears in the lawsuit.

-He just appeared in one photo and a chat conversation, none of which is damning evidence other than guilt by association.

-He probably signed a NDA and was paid to leave blizz because you canā€™t escape the hounds of bad press if heā€™s still in there once his name was dragged through the mud.

You riddle me this one:

Chat and photo (the only thing we got) has been public since 2013. Mccree was named in 2015-2016. According to the lawsuit, Afrasiabiā€™s malpractices were well informed, but somehow Team4 was oblivious to another sexual harasser and named a character after him?

Nah, just remember Adam Orth, from Microsoft, was fired for defending the concept of always online because he went viral.

When you get bad PR sticking to you, youā€™re out. Itā€™s textbook PR handling of things. They can ā€œinvite youā€ to leave.

They wouldā€™ve never let it go. DiabloIV news = Actiblizz harassment news, OW news = actiblizz harassment news. They wanted to move on from that, not let the publications have a go at eviscerating them. Itā€™s a bone they wouldnā€™t drop.

Bottom line: Thinking that missing evidence is evidence just because some third party decided to do something about it is the wrong approach, ALWAYS. You think that itā€™s just coincidence that blizzard just said they departed from the company, but when journalists asked if they were actually fired they didnā€™t want to make further comments? Thatā€™s because itā€™d most likely go against the NDA they signed. And if youā€™re going to call someone a sexual harasser like if you were handing out trading cardsā€¦ well Iā€™d say that puts you in the spectrum of not nice.

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Citation needed.

Of course they would not come right out and say it. But we know that he ā€œleftā€ the company VERY shortly after the suit along with a few others associated with the ā€œcosby crewā€. It is not hard to put two and two together on this one.

Being accused or not is not indicative of guilt or innocence. As it can be quit likely the suitā€™s are going for the bigger fish. Activision Blizzard.

Context is pretty damning when there is so much circumstantial. He was identified as part of the cosby crew, ā€œleftā€ the company very shortly after the suit, and suddenly names of real people on fictional characters is a problem and just happens to be about this very same person?


Someone is theorizing pretty hard on that. I wonder WHY he would not be allowed to speak on it?

You do realize that being in places of influence can not only enable the perpetrator of said heinous acts but creates a culture with them at the center of it? Iā€™ve met some jerks in my time and wondered ā€œHow are they surrounded with friends?ā€

Toxic work environments can last for YEARS because no one wants to be the person rocking the boat out of fear of retribution.

If it is just one or two things? Absolutely, I agree. But the amount of coincidence is far to numerous to ignore and just dismiss as a random wildfire and them just using the employee as a damp blanket to beat it out with.

Last I checked I only called him one. Talk about a strawman.

p.S I see you typing. Just shows you are not reading and thinking on it. Just answering. Iā€™m done. You wonā€™t get a response.

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This is quite reasonable: if adding real people ends up with issues, itā€™s much better to leave it altogether.

No management or HR positions were fired despite being the positions that ignored the harassment, but somehow every person in that photo except one leaves blizzard. Yeahhhhh about that.

True, but you apparently donā€™t even need an accusation of any kind to call him vile degenerate or a sexual harasser, think about that.

Because NDA is a non-disclosure agreement, and sometimes itā€™s better to be paid 2-3 years worth of salary for laying low. Life isnā€™t a movie, see how they settled after so much wrongdoing?

It still doesnā€™t answer the question why no one would say: ā€œdonā€™t name the character that, heā€™s not a good guyā€. Chances are he really wasnā€™t a vile, sexual harasser maybe?

Lottery strikes somewhere. This is coincidence indeed, but itā€™s also heavily linked to just the screenshot. When they got that name oOOHohohohohooh, the gaming journos had a field day. Their wet dreams about making the Team4, who had been safe of controversy for the most part, be part of the news. We can finally implicate their number 1 game, YES!

This is how they work, for clicks.

Iā€™m typing as Iā€™m quoting and reading every reply you made. Also, you called him a vile degenerate and sexual harasser, if I read that right. Again, with nothing but your own estimates based on a name change. Weā€™ve gone from ā€œbelieve victimsā€ to justā€¦ uh, I donā€™t know just ā€œbelieve whatever you wantā€. If there was any victim (just like it happened with Afrasiabi that reported him to HR and HR did nothing, well then itā€™d be something. But thereā€™re zero accounts of that. Afrasiabi was well named, and Mccree became guilty by association essentially.

PS: Again, this is not a rationalization to say the name change was wrong: I feel they did the right thing to be able to move on even if the new name doesnā€™t have a nice ring to it. This is specifically about the needless defamation of a person to supposedly justify the name change. I donā€™t think itā€™s necessarily implied that someone needs to do something bad for them to remove real life references. If I was part of team4 iā€™d probably also want nothing to do with that either.

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Funnily enough christians have been known to do that aswell :smiley:

More so proves my point of you not being able to handle advanced topics and defaulting back to ā€œno this is how i see it so this is how it is >:(ā€

That is because democrats and republicans majorly support the same thing just on different sides. Both arent good xD Theres a reason most other countries, say Finland, dont have 2 major parties and everything else kinda dwindling below.

Studies also show the millions of people the church have groomed, sexually harrassed, killed, and tortured :smiley:

If you cant pick up on it its on you, not me, its sad to see another human fall into that kind of a pit.

There are a bunch of transplants that help with said things, And its proven that people post op are happier than pre-op, i doubt said people give half a fā€” about what their chromosomes are.

And i was saying that im not trying to have a go at you, im not trying to make you bothered.

Same with me, im fairly young, still studying, and have applied for jobs, have no reason to be upset over money, while tragically i dont have a father, i have a father figure which has always been more than enough for me, although i dont need my parent to me financially stable.
You still sound exactly like the demographic.

If you knew how to read studies as well as you claim you can read the amount of bad stuff theyve done. But you dont want to since it doesnt push your own agenda

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