Change Lightning Tracer's hair!

ht tps://

God, that hair, I would rather change her hair style or hair color.


You can change it to this: (Credit to u/Doctorus/
ht tps://
ht tps://

What it looks like to me:
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Couldn’t agree more. Blizzard please make her handsome again.



I mean that’s what they’re going for. They’re trying to appeal to LGBT people.

Ellen, if I remember, is lesbian.

And there’s something about some LGBT people that like to wear their hair in some ridiculous fashion – to stand out.


I thought they wanted to be viewed as normal people too?


The one with the pikachu is exactly how it should look


I thought LGBT people wanted to be viewed as normal and equal. Not butt ugly


They can change Lightning Tracer’s hair but they’d have to change Talon Sombra’s hair too, looks like that’s not gonna happen and it wouldn’t be fair to only change Tracer’s.

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The picture of her hair with Pikachu looks really good! It certainly is a huge upgrade from how her hair in that skin currently makes her look.


Swirly Tracer forever!

Honestly, who cares? The skin is fine, I’m sure it appeals to some just in the same way it doesn’t appeal to you.


I saw the skin and almost wanted it until I seen the hair style/color.

This please.
Keep the wisp

There’s nothing wrong with Talon Sombra’s hair though


Jelly doesn’t like the hair either😂


They did it for Hanzo’s a few events ago, it’s not outside of the realm of possibilities.

They only changed Hanzo’s hair because that skin was originally already seen in the Overwatch Comic “Reflections” and when the skin came his facial hair was completely different for no reason and it was changed in a bad way and nobody liked it and we had clear reasoning for them to change it to the way it is now (the way it was originally supposed to be.) Sombra and Tracers hair have no reason as to why they need to be changed other than people saying “I don’t like it”, but that doesn’t make the hair bad and it doesn’t mean Blizzard has to change it, a lot of people actually like both Tracer and Sombra’s newest hair styles and some people don’t and that’s just too bad. I’m sure some people also liked Hanzo’s old hair before they changed it but like I said there was reasoning as to why it had to be changed.

Personally, I like Tracers new hair, it’s different but in a cool way, as for Sombra, being a Sombra main I don’t like the hair on her Talon skin that much but I know there are a lot of people who actually do like it so it’s whatever, you can’t please everybody.


The only problem with her hair for me is that the flip in the front is going the wrong way, it makes her head look weird.

And your reasoning is “I didn’t get what I wanted so this shouldn’t be changed either?”

Is that right?

No, we want our butt ugly hair to be viewed as normal with the rest of us. :v:t2: It’s not about blending in, it’s about being seen until people accept it as just another normal thing.

I don’t think Tracer’s hair is really pandering to LGBT+, though I could be wrong. I think it looks bad to most people because of the graphic design of the characters. They’re trying to put realistic hair on a non-realistic model so it just looks awkward and off-putting. :confused:

And then they can change Bilge Rats terrible dreads too, or at least get rid of the ones framing his face

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