Chance they canceled rest PVE story mission after invasion?

Jared isn’t on that stream either dog??? I think you have the Invasion reveal and PvE bad news streams mixed up lol.

Pretty much guaranteed they’ll cancel it after yea as I don’t see it being popular and it doesn’t make money.

PvE development will continue after Invasion. It’s already confirmed that the next portion of the PvE campaign will be dropping two seasons after Invasion in August.

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jared appeared on some random famous overwatch streamer to delivered the news and of course aaron doesn’t appeared again last time aaron around is when they canceled PVE talent tree and aaron just keep being silence in fear

The 12 or so story missions that make up an entire story arc are completed and finished. They are releasing the next batch in 2024 so they can rework them based on feedback. Might not be a bad idea considering that story missions are smaller in scale than hero missions, so they can experiment with creative, small scale ideas. The huge skill tree idea was dumb and too large of scale. They can easily do a level skill tier thingy instead. Where you can select 1 perk out of 2-3 perks on each level tier.

Prolly, it will prolly flop cause people who were interested in lore, and game play experience that was promised prolly already moved on. Not to mention people who played it didn’t sound all that excited about it… So…

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Are talking about different announcements here? I am talking about the one with Mr X, Aaron Keller, and Jared Neuss from the official PlayOverwatch Twitch stream where they announced that they were axing Hero Missions and skill trees. I can’t post a link but you can find the clip on the LiveStreamFails subreddit.

nah im talking about the latest official channel stream i already linked you the video on up there

Ok, your wording made it sound like you said Aaron wasn’t there when they gave the initial update on PvE, since that is what most people are talking about in regards to it being cancelled.

my bad then on the wording