That would apply if PvE wasn’t the most requested OW feature for years. No clue how long you’ve been playin the game, but PvE was usually a big request.
PvE is the whole reason it’s called OW2 as well.
That would apply if PvE wasn’t the most requested OW feature for years. No clue how long you’ve been playin the game, but PvE was usually a big request.
PvE is the whole reason it’s called OW2 as well.
requested by who ? OW1 players ? can you show me the proof ?
Do you want me to go dig up threads that date back to 2017 or what? Use the forum search function. I’m sure you’ll manage.
yeah sure go ahead if you willing to spend your time collecting data from people who said ‘’ man i wish this game have dedicate PVE mode ‘’
If they weren’t a quality and satisfaction players have with them they wouldn’t sell. I’d go so far as to say Blizz fans at least generally have a better artistic appreciation.
I promise you they won’t cancel PVE, it’s vital to the OW franchise’s future.
He is correct - PVE was confirmed several times in direct comments from none other than Jeff Kaplan. They did market research on the question of what else to do with the franchise back in I think 2017, PVE was by far #1.
he isn’t here anymore sadly thing could change anything is possible with the new director
i was so hyped when jeff confirmed there is something like raid on PVE side of overwatch 2 created by people who made raids on WoW games
well im expecting destiny quality of raid for FPS games nowdays
At worse pve become additional microtransaction locked content with you know unlocking access to missions and maps for it or something like that, and be quickly done in terms of story on non ending fight agains bad guys.
im pretty sure it would be one time purchase like 40$ or 60$ for PVE side just like overwatch 1 you paid once and well you get mostly free content for PVE
Well, i guess it depends, my assumption is that they either scrap whole campaign and make it as additional stuff like said before, they could also release it as you say, or do packs of missions call each of them separated campaign and we get to buy all of them like some dlc releasing like once a year or something with new quests.
since when would there be a “PVE” in fortnite?
search fortnite save the world PVE is so dead that you don’t even know it existed
Doesn’t matter, the company is clearly operating on the research. Your question was had they directly indicated it - they did.
well i guess my english made the title indicate they will cancel the PVE that is my bad
what i meant is what if PVP so success that they just suddenly canceled the PVE project that they been working for 3 year now
I’m less concerned that the PVP’s success will hamper the PVE more than the CEO already has.
Tracy Kennedy, former producer for Overwatch, said,
“Bobby would put the team random projects for OW1, the team would do OT for only them to get cancelled and for months of OW2 dev to have been lost.”
I think that should be quite alarming for anyone who truly cares about the game, really on any level at all.
well i guess my english made the title indicate they will cancel the PVE that is my bad
what i meant is what if PVP so success that they just suddenly canceled the PVE project that they been working for 3 year now
I know - my point is I can’t see them doing it. There are only 2 IPs considered “viable” right now by analysts - OW being one of them. The leveraging of the lore is substantial if successful, it outshines even the PVP game by miles.
what i meant is what if PVP so success that they just suddenly canceled the PVE project that they been working for 3 year now
You don’t understand what Blizzard has with a Overwatch Heroes. They are wasted in a hollow pvp game.
And you underestimate greed.
They can make money with PvP and even more money with PVE. The PVE is after all nearly finished.
They created the new engine for it. 0% chance of canceling the PvE stuff.
and you underestimate the potential success of overwatch 2 pvp
I think there’s a better chance of them canceling PVE if the PVP flops. If this game dies off like Halo Infinite did then they may just cut their losses and focus all resources on their new IP.
This. There is no chance that they cancel PVE if the PVP is a success. But if the PVP bombs(like it almost certainly will), I could easily see the PVE getting cut entirely.
I don’t think so. The whole reason we have a squeal is for PvE. Plus it will help build back the casual playerbase that we lost.