Challange for Brig skin "not completed"

Anyone else having this problem?
I completed 8 challanges, as it´s appearant on screenshots too, but it counts only 7 of 8?
I am conffused. Is this a bug or should I do more to get skin. Anyone else having this problem?



Same here, been stuck on 5/8 since last week, now that I have 8 completed, still shows 5.


Damm, I really don´t wanna go back to the “expert” mode.

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If I remember correctly, one of the missions was supposed to be complete 3 missions with each of the modifiers.

Edit: did they add 3 new missions?

I guess that will be possible, when third challange drops next week

So I just completed missile fighter one and it counted for nothing.

it´s all bugged. I should have get Brig skin by now…

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I didn’t get the achievement where you say thanks to the TS-1. Even though it showed on my screen. Sigh…


you need to spam hello and thanks to get it appearantly…

I saw the yellow text that I got it during the mission though. I still have an achievement or two that I need to finish, so I’ll try again.


Guess what…I got both sprays on Illari and go ZERO TEXT about achievment done. They took that satisfaction from me.
But I´ve seen someone elses text, when I got hit by their ult -_-

I thought i was the only one that’s been having this problem. Been stuck on 6/8 even though 8 are ticked green

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I hope they fix it. And soon.

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Same for me but different missions…
Last week I completed “gratitude protocol” (received yellow chat notification of completion) but quest didn’t count it as completed… So I’ve got stuck at 6/8…
I thought “fine, I’ll wait for modified mission”… just did it on expert, got both missions done: “any difficulty” and “expert”, have 8 missions completed, but skin mission is 7/8… Do they even test their stupid events before throwing them to LIVE server?


A bunch of challanges for the event (underworld) and the new PvE stuff hasn’t been marking as completed for me and it’s really frustrating. I should already have the Brig skin and have most PvE challanges done :sob:. The content has been fun but I want my pretty cosmetics for doing cool stuff

I had one challenge not count, but as soon as I beat and unlocked the first expert challenge, it counted and unlocked the skin for me.

I guess I’m extremely lucky to have completed all the challenges without issue the day the skin came out. Seems like the challenges are very bugged.

I tried to do another ecxpert and wasted there too much time with randoms, who didn´t really cooperate. I really don´t wanna waste my time, when I should have got it already…

Are you trying to beat a challenge you never beat before? You might as well, since you’ll probably want or need to anyways.

The thing is only the first 8 challenges count for now. Unsure if this will get fixed or not before the event is done with.

As for the TS1 thing it needs to be Hello. Thanks doesn’t count. The yellow text apears if someone on your team does it and apparently only 1 can get the challenge to pop per run.