Celebrate Pride in Overwatch 2

A lot more people use the forums than I expected tbh.

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This is why this stuff should never make it into a game like this.

I’ve never even encountered a female Pharah player before. The number of players who identify on a personal level with these heroes is low.


Ok the Aromantic Flag and the Intersex Flag are the only ones I’m not familiar with.

The good ol’ OW playbook special. The OW team really only has one play in the playbook when they are trying to paper over controversy, huh… Blizz tryin’ to hope we forget the REAL story here…


They literally made NO profit off this. Everything is free in-game, and the merch sale proceeds are going to charity. That is good! chill.


Wow, these revelations made the game more balanced and with better MM.


I really doubt it. This had been announced for months before any word about pve dropped.


Because straight people weren’t hated, killed , and tortured for being straight. Like when was the last time you went for a walk and felt people judging you for holding your girlfriend’s hand?


I’ve played with one from the forums and two I know outside the forums so… maybe you just don’t know many girls.

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Would be nice if we got a straight ally flag.

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Um… they dropped PVE mode long before the news broke. They knew it was dropped when they launched “OW2”. They just happened to tell us conveniently before this event…

There is one! Google is your friend.

Straight allies are an integral part of the community y’all are real ones. :clap:t4::clap:t4:

Hopefully they add a flag for them

Ok my man. I know we got one. I MEANT in game. Sorry if I wasn’t that clear.

Heard. It would be cool if they included that.

You do have selective reading, don’t you?



maybe confirm that you’ve fixed matchmaking and going to focus on getting this game to a fundamentally good place instead of focusing on lesser important stuff considering game’s state?


deadlypants your arguments are exhausting to read


You joined this forum a minute ago just to post in this thread. Not sus at all.

I didn’t. They’re right.