Celebrate ALL* Heroes

only those worthy enough to be in the US, all other peasants from other countries can f* off

Yeah thats what blizz did recently with their new video thingy only available in the US, im not mad … just disappointed… again… and again…


Probably because EU and other places care about user data privacy or something I dunno, I just make things up

I probably agreed to share all my chat logs with some company who will sell them to other companies by watching my video


I’m in Canada, it worked for me lol…

What country are you in that it didnt work?

México, so i play in US servers all the time but cant get my video :triumph:

RIP, maybe a VPN?

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If your on PC a VPN will get you around that.

Be it I’m also missing context what’s going with the video?

It’s quite lame. Says how many hours you’ve played, across qp/comp, top hero, friends played with, win percentage. All across stock OW footage

I was hoping for some old POTG’s I’d forgotten about or something more unique to me


Its just some profile stats to “celebrate” your time playing the game, but i still wanna know my stats

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“ow2 somehow it gets worse”-Charade 2024


Somehow P̶a̶l̶p̶a̶t̶i̶n̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶t̶u̶r̶n̶e̶d̶ OW 2 got worse


you have to have been opted into marketing communications…which is essientially spam at the end of the day in terms of email.

Im quite sure i was already in, since i do get all the spam about collabs

haha well dam, perhaps you are just SoL in this instance. you could always try to reach out on X

Wait, what have I missed?

There you go!!!

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Thanks. Not working for me for some reason…as expected xD

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Don’t worry, you’re not alone in this, it doesn’t work for me either lol

You have no idea how much this situation hurts me…

not really :joy:


Just offers me to “opt in”, which sends me into my settings, where I have nothing to change really xD I am from EU


As much as I am mad at Blizzard’s incompetency, it is actually a good thing there are at least some laws to protect us from greedy companies trying to sell our data.